" file:~/.vimrc docs at the end
" everything after a double quote is a comment.
" enable syntax hightlighting
" adjust the backspace behaviour
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" allways show status line
set ls=2
" set the default windows height to 92
set winheight=92
" set the brightest possible colorscheme
colorscheme elflord
" set the number of spaces the tab should produce
set tabstop=3
" display always the row number on the left
set number
" ignore case when searching
set ignorecase
" show the title in the console title bar
" set title
" smooth changes
set ttyfast
" highlight the searched items
set hlsearch
" autoindent by default
set autoindent
" set the default shift width
set sw=3
" set the number of columns
set co=120
" set wrapping by default
set wrap
" start custom mappings
" =======================================================
" f4 would go to the next buffer
map <F3> :bn!<CR>
" f3 would go to the previous bugger
map <F2> :bp!<CR>
" F5 should find the next occurrence after vimgrep
map <F5> :cp!<CR>
" F6 should find the previous occurrence after vimgrep
map <F6> :cn!<CR>
" stop custom mappings
" =======================================================
" show additional info for the current buffer - line, char number
set ruler
" set the syntax by default
syntax on
" enable filetype plugin
filetype plugin on
" v1.1.4 http://stackoverflow.com/a/1588848/65706 - delete the annoying .swp
" files handling behaviour
set shortmess+=A
" v1.1.5
" src: https://github.com/colbycheeze/dotfiles/blob/master/vimrc
set backspace=2 " Backspace deletes like most programs in insert mode
" Automatically :write before running commands
set autowrite
" Reload files changed outside vim
set autoread
" highlight the current line
set cursorline
" Make it obvious where 100 characters is
set textwidth=100
" search as characters are entered
set incsearch
" highlight matches
set hlsearch
" Purpose:
" ---------------------------------------------------------
" provide the defaults for the vim on the hostname host
" credits and sources : http://phuzz.org/vimrc.html
" Usage:
" ---------------------------------------------------------
" :so %
" :so ~/.vimrc
" ---------------------------------------------------------
" VersionHistory
" ---------------------------------------------------------
" export version=1.1.6
" 1.1.6 --- 2016-08-22 09:36:14 --- ysg --- highlight the search line always
" 1.1.5 --- 2016-08-19 14:17:42 --- ysg --- highlight the current line
" 1.1.4 --- 2016-07-22 08:43:04 --- ysg --- removed annoying swap file msg
" 1.1.3 --- 2013-04-24 14:18:12 --- ysg --- added the filetype plugin on
" 1.1.2 --- 2012-12-26 11:42:26 --- ysg --- re-formatting
" 1.1.0 --- 2012-12-25 10:56:12 --- ysg --- to vim syntax, new settings
" 1.0.0 --- 2012-12-24 14:22:52 --- ysg --- Initial creation from source
" eof file: ~/.vimrc
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
- The REAL PLUS : Any critic and positive feedback is better than none, so your comments will be published sooner or later !!!!