package CsvToWiki;
my $VERSION='1.0.0' ;
use strict ; use warnings ; use Exporter;
my @ISA = qw(AutoLoader Exporter);
my @EXPORT = qw( RunCsvToWiki );
#add the scripts dir to the INC
$0 =~ m/^(.*)(\\|\/)(.*)\.([a-z]*)/;
push ( @INC , $1) ;
} #eof sub
use Configurator ; use Logger ; use FileHandler ;
# anonymous hash !!!
our ( $confHolder , $confHolderOfObj , $objLogger , $MyBareName , $objConfigurator)= () ;
our ( $objFileHandler , $RunDir ) = () ;
our ( $FileCsvInput , $FolderOutput , $HtmlPageSize ) = () ;
our ( $CsvFileSeparator , $TokenStart , $TokenStop , $LineStart , $LineStop ) = () ;
our ( $BareFileCsvInput , $FileOutput , $StrToWriteStart , $StrToWriteStop , $Pager ) = () ;
our ( $DirCsvInput , $DirCsvOutput , $RegexFilterForCsvToWikiSourceFiles) = () ;
our ( $EnvironmentName , $ProductBaseDir , $ProductVersionDir , $HostName ) = () ;
our ( $ConfDir ) = () ;
our ( $FileConfig ) = () ;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize the object with the minimum data it will need to operate
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Initialize {
my $self = shift ;
$objLogger = new Logger (\$confHolder) ;
$objFileHandler = new FileHandler ( \$confHolder ) ;
my $ActionName = ref ( $self ) ;
my $msg = "\$ActionName is $ActionName" ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "$msg" ) ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "The \$ActionName is $ActionName " ) ;
$EnvironmentName = $confHolder->{'EnvironmentName'} ;
$ProductBaseDir = $confHolder->{'ProductBaseDir'} ;
$ProductVersionDir = $confHolder->{'ProductVersionDir'} ;
$HostName= $confHolder->{'HostName'} ;
$ConfDir = "$ProductVersionDir/conf/$HostName/ini" ;
$FileConfig = "$ConfDir/$EnvironmentName" . '.' . "$ActionName" . '.' . "$HostName" . '.ini' ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$FileConfig is $FileConfig " ) ;
my $objConfigurator = clone Configurator($FileConfig , $confHolder);
# get the hash having the vars
$confHolderOfObj = $objConfigurator->getConfHolder () ;
#get it from the conf
$DirCsvInput = $confHolderOfObj->{'DirCsvInput'} || "$ProductVersionDir/docs/excel" ;
#get it from the conf
$DirCsvOutput = $confHolderOfObj->{'DirCsvOutput'} || "$ProductVersionDir/docs/csv" ; ;
$objFileHandler->MkDir ( $DirCsvOutput ) unless ( -d $DirCsvOutput );
#v1.3.0 ysg --- Add
my ($RefFilesAndDirs , $RefDirsToProcess , $RefFilesToProcess ) =
$objFileHandler->ReadDirRecursivelyReturnArrays ( $DirCsvOutput , '(.*?)\.html') ;
my @FilesAndDirs = @$RefFilesAndDirs ;
my @DirsToProcess = @$RefDirsToProcess ;
my @FilesToProcess = @$RefFilesToProcess ;
foreach my $FileHtmlOldOutput ( @FilesToProcess ) {
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg (
"CsvToWiki->Initialize: unlink \$FileHtmlOldOutput $FileHtmlOldOutput" );
unlink ( $FileHtmlOldOutput ) ;
$RegexFilterForCsvToWikiSourceFiles =
$confHolderOfObj->{'RegexFilterForCsvToWikiSourceFiles'} || '^.*\.csv' ;
# set a default page size if not defined
$HtmlPageSize = $confHolderOfObj->{'HtmlPageSize'} || 20;
$CsvFileSeparator = chr( $confHolderOfObj->{'CsvFileSeparator'}) || chr(44) ;
$TokenStart = '' ;
$TokenStop = '|' ;
$LineStart = '||' ;
$LineStop = ' ' . "\n" ;
$StrToWriteStart = '{table-plus:autoTotal=true|autoNumber=true|sortColumn=2|sortIcon=true|columnTypes=S,I,I}' . "\n" ;
$StrToWriteStop = '{table-plus}' . "\n" ;
$Pager = '' ;
} #eof sub
# =============================================================================
sub new {
my $class = shift ; # Class name is in the first parameter
$confHolder = ${ shift @_ } if ( @_ ) ;
my $self = { }; # Anonymous hash reference holds instance attributes
bless($self, $class); # Say: $self is a $class
$self->Initialize() ;
return $self;
} #eof const
my $self = shift ;
no strict 'refs';
my $name = our $AUTOLOAD;
*$AUTOLOAD = sub {
my $msg = () ;
$msg .= "BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! \n RunTime Error !!!\n" ;
$msg .= "Undefined Function $name(@_)\n" ;
cluck( "$self , $msg" ) ;
goto &$AUTOLOAD; # Restart the new routine.
sub get {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
return $self->{$name};
} #eof sub get
sub set {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
} #eof sub set
sub dumpFields {
my $self = shift ;
my $strFields = () ;
foreach my $key (keys %$self) {
$strFields .= "$key = $self->{$key}\n";
return $strFields ;
} #eof sub dumpFields
my $self = shift;
#debug print "the DESTRUCTOR is called \n" ;
return ;
# =============================================================================
sub RunCsvToWiki {
my $self = shift ;
my $msg = () ;
$msg = "CFPoint24 OK Convert the csv files from the $DirCsvInput dir to html files in the $DirCsvOutput dir" ;
$objLogger->LogInfoMsg ( $msg ) ;
my ($RefFilesAndDirs , $RefDirsToProcess , $RefFilesToProcess ) =
$objFileHandler->ReadDirRecursivelyReturnArrays ( $DirCsvInput , $RegexFilterForCsvToWikiSourceFiles) ;
my @FilesAndDirs = @$RefFilesAndDirs ;
my @DirsToProcess = @$RefDirsToProcess ;
my @FilesToProcess = @$RefFilesToProcess ;
foreach my $FileToProcess ( @FilesToProcess ) {
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "csv \$FileToProcess is $FileToProcess " ) ;
#read the input metadata file
my $RefRowsFileInput = $objFileHandler->ReadFileReturnArray ( $FileToProcess ) ;
my @RowsFileInput = @$RefRowsFileInput;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\@RowsFileInput is @RowsFileInput " ) ;
my $OldTableName = '' ;
my $ColList = '' ;
my $StrOutput = '' ;
my $rowCounter= 0 ;
my $PageStartLine = 0 ;
$Pager = '<table><tr>' ;
# start with 1
for ( my $rowCounter = 1 ; $rowCounter <= $#RowsFileInput ;
$rowCounter=$rowCounter + 1) {
if ( $rowCounter % $HtmlPageSize == 0
|| $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput ) {
# $1 should produce the full path till the last \ or /
# $2 should produce the BareName without the .extension
# $3 should produce the file extension after the last dot
$FileToProcess =~m/^(.*)(\\|\/)(.*)(\..*)/; # strip the remote path and keep the filename
my $LinkName = $3 ;
# use human readable
my $StartItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter ;
$StartItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter - $HtmlPageSize +1 unless ( $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput) ;
$StartItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter - ($rowCounter % $HtmlPageSize ) if ( $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput) ;
my $EndItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter ;
$LinkName = $LinkName . '.' . "$StartItemNumberInPage" . '-' . "$EndItemNumberInPage" . '.html' ;
$Pager .= '<td>' . '<a href="' . $LinkName . "\">" .
"$StartItemNumberInPage" . '-' . "$EndItemNumberInPage" . "</a></td>" ;
# print "\$Pager is $Pager " ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$LinkName is $LinkName " ) ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$rowCounter is $rowCounter " ) ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$#RowsFileInput is $#RowsFileInput " ) ;
} #eof for
$Pager .= '</tr></table>' ;
$Pager = "" ;
$rowCounter = 0 ;
foreach my $line ( @RowsFileInput ) {
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$line is $line " ) ;
chop($line ) ;
my @tokens= split( "$CsvFileSeparator" , $line ) ;
$line = '' ;
if ( $rowCounter == 0 ) {
$TokenStop = '||' ;
} else {
$TokenStop = '|' ;
foreach my $token ( @tokens) {
$token = GenerateToken ( $token ) ;
$line = $line . $token ;
$line = GenerateLine ( $line , $rowCounter ) ;
$rowCounter++ ;
$StrOutput = $StrOutput . $line ;
if ( $rowCounter % $HtmlPageSize == 0 || $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput) {
$FileToProcess =~m/^(.*)(\\|\/)(.*)(\..*)/; # strip the remote path and keep the filename
my $LinkName = $3 ;
# use human readable numbers start with 1 not 0
my $StartItemNumberInPage = 0 ;
$StartItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter - $HtmlPageSize +1 unless $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput ;
$StartItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter - ( $rowCounter % $HtmlPageSize ) if ( $rowCounter == $#RowsFileInput ) ;
my $EndItemNumberInPage = $rowCounter ;
$LinkName = $LinkName . '.' . "$StartItemNumberInPage" . '-' . $rowCounter . '.html' ;
$FileOutput = "$DirCsvOutput" . '/' . "$LinkName" ;
WriteFile ( $FileOutput , $StrOutput , $PageStartLine ) ;
$objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$StrOutput is $StrOutput" ) ;
$StrOutput = '' ;
$PageStartLine = $PageStartLine + $HtmlPageSize ;
#debug $objLogger->LogDebugMsg ( "\$StrOutput is $StrOutput" ) ;
} #eof foreach line
} #eof foreach $FileToProcess
$Pager = "";
} #eof sub ExecuteRunCommand
sub GenerateToken {
my $token = shift ;
$token = $TokenStart . $token . $TokenStop ;
} # eof sub GenerateToken
sub GenerateLine {
my $line = shift ;
my $rowCounter = shift ;
if ( $rowCounter % 2 != 0 )
{ $line = $LineStart . $line . $LineStop ; }
{ $line = $LineStart . $line . $LineStop ; }
return $line ;
} # eof sub GenerateLine
sub trim {
return $_[0];
#eof sub trim
sub WriteFile {
my $FileToWrite = shift ;
my $StrToWrite = shift ;
my $PageStartSize = shift ;
my $head .=
<style type="text/css">
table tbody tr td {
background-color: #eee;
table tr.odd td {
background-color: #fff;
' ;
$StrToWrite = $head . $Pager . $StrToWriteStart . $StrToWrite . $StrToWriteStop;
$StrToWrite .= $Pager . '</body></html>' ;
#$LinkName = $LinkName . '.' . $rowCounter . '-' . ( $rowCounter + $HtmlPageSize ) . '.html' ;
$objFileHandler->PrintToFile ( $FileToWrite , $StrToWrite ) ;
} #eof sub WriteToFile
1 ;
# VersionHistory:
# 1.0.0 --- 2011.12.25 - 20:13:19 --- Changed default conf dir
# 1.4.0 --- 2011.08.13 16:54:07 --- Added Control Flow documentation
# 1.3.0 --- 2011.07.14 20:34:44 --- Added clean of html files
# 1.2.1 --- 2011.07.06 11:05:05 --- Removed FilF:\\\\\\:Find
# 1.0.0 --- 2011.07.06 10:26:59 --- ysg --- Added RegexFilterForCsvToWikiSourceFiles , full proof Initialize
# --- Yordan Georgiev --- Generates Select All with full [] column list from Table
# 1.0.601.0.04_1.0.65 --- Yordan Georgiev --- REnamed to -- added css and a nice ttable
#hint: add to some rows : color:#FF0000; red or style="color:#009900" green to underline some colors
# [r1c1link alias|r1c1 pagetitle|r1c1 tip]
# RowNum WorkFlowName SubObjectType SubObjectName LogPageId FolderId ImaticaFolderName WorkFlowId WorkFlowLastUpdateTime SubObjectInstanceId PageId
# PageId = =G2&"-"&B2&"-"&C2&"-"&D2
# LogId = = "[etl-log-"&K2&"]"