PrinciplesId | Description | |
1 | You can't get to somewhere if you don't know where are you going to … | |
2 | Well planned is half-done | |
3 | The more each part of the code is run , the better the docs , specs and needs for development. | |
4 | The more each code is tested and actually run , the less the errors the better the usability. | |
5 | Each module should have its own Initialize method , on which all the needed data values are set to default | |
7 | Avoid data duplication | |
8 | A good measurement unit for success is measured productivity increase | |
9 | Choose OS independant instead of OS dependant code | |
10 | If you cannot trust your code why others should ?! | |
11 | If the issues (features,bugs) and not contained in the package of the tool, than where ?! | |
12 | Any deployment which is not single call is not a real deployment, that is the init must at least work | |
13 | Any peace of software written is a "stored pieace of idea" - in order for other persons to understand it - it has to be written in the most understandable way | |
14 | Each code unite that could be made as a template and have "instances" - e.g. copies with extended functionalities should be created as a separate template code unit | |
15 | Economy of scale principle - read economics - apply to time, effords and data in programming | |
16 | Esa Ikonen: If there is one , there will be many. Design and implement this in mind. | |
17 | Even the best principles written here should not override a common sense in decision making both in small and big points | |
18 | Time is money - anything could be coded even a new organism yet the goal must jusfify the expenses | |
19 | The more generic the code the better , the easier the code could be copy pasted with less changes the better | |
20 | Ensure versioning for all code and conf files | |
21 | All the sql files are to be placed under an "action" dir. Each file must have a double digit number in its name so that when the files are sorted by name the actual running order should be shown | |
22 | All the sql files are to be placed under an "action" dir. Each file must have a double digit number in its name so that when the files are sorted by name the actual running order should be shown | |
23 | If an action has one ini configuration file it will be placed in the conf directory and it will have the <<EnvironmentName>>.<<ActionName>>.<<HostName>>.ini name | |
24 | If an action has many configuration files they will be placed under a dir, which is the <<ConfDir>>/<<actionName>> | |
25 | Incremental improvement brough Toyota Prius from a concept to the first hybrid to the market | |
26 | Linus Torwalds: Talk is cheap, show me the code | |
27 | If you keep things simple you increase reliability and decrease costs | |
28 | Any code / configuration change is performed in the dev environments. In the test environments only test calls are performed and minor configuration changes. In qa environment only calls must be made. No changes in prod | |
29 | The minimun requirement for the documentation in a software package is to be descriptive enough, so that the person acting in the user role using the package should be able to understand how-to use it according to his role's responsibilities | |
30 | The cost of a bug is the cost of the time used to fix it + the cost of the lost benefits if the time would have been used for real production | |
31 | Usually it takes version 1.1.0 to actually have a working product with bearable amount of bugs | |
32 | It is better to release the product with bearable amount of known bugs instead of unbearable amount of unknown bugs or even worse unbearable amount of known bugs, not mentioned to the users of the product | |
33 | Esa Ikonen:The separation and management of binaries , external libraries , (own)software and configuration are the pre-requisites for successfull IT System management and operation | |
34 | Before you invent something, understand what’s there and describe it | |
35 | behavior before mechanism, or ‘what before how | |
36 | Get the details right | |
37 | Whenever possible abstraction should be used - however abstraction is subtle | |
38 | Albert Einstein: Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. | |
39 | If it ain't needed don't do it | |
40 | How would you build a big entity out of lego blocks, is building of software development many different | |
41 | If you think big you act big you get big , if your think small you act small you get small | |
42 | Put your mouth where your money is | |
43 | You are what you think | |
44 | An issue becoming a feature is completed only after and extensive beta testing has been performed in actual production, since often the production environment brings different sets of data and environments to the code running in the System. | |
45 | Stay quiet if you do not have anything valuable to add. If you decide to speak you should be 100% confinced in what you are going to say in order say it 100% convincably | |
46 | The quantative changes lead to qualitive changes. Between otherwise equal 2 options prefer always the more scalable one. | |
47 | The Internet is becomming a real-time reflection of the world with all the industries and aspects represented in it constantly updating the information between the "real" and the virtual worlds. | |
48 | The history has proven that 99% of all truth revealers have been punished , 10% killed but 1% became heroes !!! | |
49 | Minimize the noize, 20/80 for the most important stuff | |
50 | It is hard to argue against well measured facts and data - leave the talk and get to action !!! | |
51 | IT is the only field where 1 person could be worth more than thousands - the probability for this in your case is again one in millions. Stick with the team if it does not get it | |
52 | Niko Rättö: even the smallest code and confguration change could brake everything in the whole System | |
53 | Build smaller with faster iterations instead of bigger with slow iterations - the real gain is to build smaller with scalability in mind. | |
54 | Dog fooding makes the dog stronger and the food better … | |
55 | A product should provide a true competitive solution to its users | |
56 | People die indeed, the good ideas never, thus ideas are sometimes more important than people. | |
57 | Eero Nevalainen: Business is done among people - you could have the best machines and automation, yet at the end the people manage all the crab. |
Using Windows.Media SpeechRecognition in WPF
[image: SpeechRecognition Banner]
Windows has a pretty capable SpeechRecognition engine built-in via Windows
Media services. In .NET these features are a...
3 days ago
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