RunTime | ShortcutSequence | Name | Description |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + Shift + F | Recursive find | Recursive find trough the whole project |
Visual Studio | F3 | find the next | Find the next occurence of the search string |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + H | Find and Replace | Search and replace |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + M , M | Collapse code | Collapse code snippet |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + B | Set a break point | Set a breakpoint |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + - | move backward in code | Browser like backward trough the code |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + Shift + - | move backward in code | Browser like backward trough the code |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + Tab | Shift tabs | Shift tabs |
Visual Studio | Shift + F5 | stop debugging | stop debugging |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + I | fast search | fast search |
Visual Studio | F5 | start debugging | start debugging |
Visual Studio | Tryf | Tryf = try and finally block | Tryf = try and finally block |
Visual Studio | Prop | Prop = property with get and set accessor | Prop = property with get and set accessor |
Visual Studio | Switch | Switch | Switch = switch statement with default |
Visual Studio | Alt + W , L | Close all the tabs | Close all the tabs , windows |
Visual Studio | Alt + W , 1 | Open the first window | Open the first window |
Visual Studio | Alt + F , F , 1 | open the latest file I closed | open the latest file I closed |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + F2 , Tab | get to method | go to the methods dropdown , type a letter to get to the name of the method |
Visual Studio | Alt + L | select the Solution Explorer | select the Solution Explorer |
Visual Studio | Ctrl + K , Ctrl + F | format code | Automatically format code |
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
- The REAL PLUS : Any critic and positive feedback is better than none, so your comments will be published sooner or later !!!!