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I am the king of the universe ... Template Generator ... so f..cking what ...

START ===== TemplateGenerator.0.1.0.cmd
@echo off  
ECHO %0 > %0.log
ECHO %0.error.log >%0.error.log
set BaseDir=%cd%
echo BaseDir is %BaseDir%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
set ExcelFileToParse="%BaseDir%\input\configs.xls"
echo ExcelFileToParse is %ExcelFileToParse%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
set InputDir=%BaseDir%\input
echo InputDir is %InputDir%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
set OutputDir=%BaseDir%\output
echo OutputDir is %Outputdir%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
set PerlScript="%BaseDir%\"
echo PerlScript is %PerlScript%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
::This is the ASCII number of the token delimiter to use in the csv file
set TokenDelimiterAsciiNumber=44
echo TokenDelimiterAsciiNumber is %TokenDelimiterAsciiNumber%  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
::This is the ASCII number of the token delimiter to use in the csv file
set RowEndAsciiNumber=13
echo RowEndAsciiNumber is %RowEndAsciiNumber% %RowEndAsciiNumber% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
echo Action !!!  1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
echo perl %PerlScript% %ExcelFileToParse% %OutputDir% %TokenDelimiterAsciiNumber% %RowEndAsciiNumber% %InputDir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
perl %PerlScript% %ExcelFileToParse% %OutputDir% %TokenDelimiterAsciiNumber% %RowEndAsciiNumber%   %InputDir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log
::debug pause
for /l %%i in (1,-1,0) do CLS&ECHO DONE !!! %%i&ping localhost -n 2 >NUL&CLS
END ================== TemplateGenerator.0.1.0.cmd
START =====
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
use strict;
package TemplateGenerator ; 
sub  main {
my $ExcelFileToParse = "$ARGV[0]" ; 
my $OutputDir="$ARGV[1]" ;
my $delimiter = chr($ARGV[2]);
my $rowEnd = chr($ARGV[3]);
my $InputDir = "$ARGV[4]" ;
my @arrayTemplateFiles = () ; 
my $arrayTemplateFiles = readDirGetArrayOfFiles ($InputDir); 
@arrayTemplateFiles = @$arrayTemplateFiles ; #dereference
# - foreach template file 
foreach my $templateFile (@arrayTemplateFiles ) {
print "working on  \$templateFile is $templateFile\n";
my $FileToPrint = buildFileToPrint ( $templateFile  , $OutputDir ) ; 
my $StrTemplateFile = readFileReturnString ( "$InputDir/$templateFile" ) ; 
ParseExcel ( $ExcelFileToParse  , $delimiter , $rowEnd, $StrTemplateFile , $FileToPrint) ; 
# -- parseExcel
# --- foreach row of the Excel file , read template file into strWork
# ---- foreach column in row - Find and Replace Col title from strWork
# ---- writeGeneratedFile with strWork
}    #eof foreach template file
} #eof sub main 
sub readDirGetArrayOfFiles     {
my $InputDir = shift ; 
# create a list of all *.pl files in
# the current directory
opendir(DIR, "$InputDir");
my @files = grep(/\.tmpl$/,readdir(DIR));
# print all the filenames in our array
foreach my $templateFile (@files) {
print "\$templateFile is $templateFile\n";
return \@files; 
} #eof main
sub buildFileToPrint 
my $FileToPrint = shift ; 
my $OutputDir = shift ; 
$FileToPrint =~m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/; #  strip the remote path and keep the filename
$FileToPrint =~ s/^(.*)(\.)(.*)/$1/ ;     #strip the file extension
$FileToPrint =~ s/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/$2/ ;                                 # strip the remote path and keep the filename
$FileToPrint = "$OutputDir/$FileToPrint"  ;        
return $FileToPrint ; 
} #eof sub BuildFileToPrint 
sub ParseExcel {
my $ExcelFileToParse = shift ; 
my $delimiter = shift ; 
my $rowEnd = shift ; 
my $strTemplate = shift ; 
my $FileTemplate = shift ; 
my $parser   = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
my $workbook = $parser->Parse("$ExcelFileToParse");
#foreach my $oWkS (@{$oBook->{Worksheet}}) {
foreach my $worksheet (@{$workbook->{Worksheet}}) {
#for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) {
my $RowMin = $worksheet->{MinRow} ; 
my $RowMax= $worksheet->{MaxRow} ; 
#    my ( $RowMin, $RowMax) = $worksheet->row_range();
#    my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range();
for my $row ( ($RowMin + 1) .. $RowMax) {
my $strToReturn = $strTemplate ; 
my $FileToPrint = $FileTemplate ; 
my $col_min = $worksheet->{MinCol} ; 
my $col_max = $worksheet->{MaxCol} ; 
for my $col ( ($col_min + 1) .. $col_max ) {
my $cell = $worksheet->{Cells}[$row][$col]  ; 
next unless $cell;
print " Row, Col    = ($row, $col)\n";
print " Value = ", $cell->Value() ;                #The Value
my $cellValueToReplace = $worksheet->{Cells}[$RowMin][$col]  ; 
print "\$cellValueToReplace is $cellValueToReplace \n" ; 
my $StrToReplace  = '¤' . $cellValueToReplace->Value() . '¤' ;  
print "\$StrToReplace is $StrToReplace  \n" ; 
my $StrValueToReplaceWith = $cell->Value() ;
print " \$StrValueToReplaceWith  is $StrValueToReplaceWith  \n" ; 
$strToReturn =~ s/$StrToReplace/$StrValueToReplaceWith/g ; 
$FileToPrint =~ s/$StrToReplace/$StrValueToReplaceWith/g ; 
#print "\$strToReturn is $strToReturn \n" ; 
#$strToReturn .=  $cell->Value() . $delimiter       ;                #The Value
#print "Unformatted = ", $cell->Unformatted(), "\n";
chop ($strToReturn) ; #remove the latest delimiter
$strToReturn .= $rowEnd ;     #end the row    
print "\$FileToPrint  is $FileToPrint " ; 
printToFile ( $FileToPrint , $strToReturn ) ; 
} #eof row
} #eof worksheet
} #eof sub
sub printToFile {
my $FileOutput = shift ; 
my $StringToPrint = shift ; 
open (FILEOUTPUT, ">$FileOutput") || 
print "could not open the \$FileOutput $FileOutput!\n"; 
print  FILEOUTPUT $StringToPrint ; 
#debug $strToReturn .=  $StringToPrint; 
# =========================================== eof sub printToFile
sub trim    
return $_[0];
sub readFileReturnString {
my $fileToRead = shift ; 
print " readFileReturnString \$fileToRead is $fileToRead \n" ; 
my $string = (); 
local $/=undef;
open FILE, "$fileToRead " or print "Couldn't open \$fileToRead $fileToRead : $!";
$string = <FILE>;
close FILE;
return $string ; 
} #eof sub readFileReturnString 
# =========================================== eof sub trim 
# Action !!!
1 ; 
END ==================
START ===== TemplateGenerator.0.1.0.ReadMe.txt
This Instruction assumess  that use the following dir to extract the project 
if you do not simply find E:\perl\sfw\csv and replace it with <<YourExtractDir>> in this document 
- Install strawberry perl from here: , add the folder containing the dmake.exe and perl.exe to your path 
- to install the OLE::Storage_Lite go to E:\Perl\sfw\csv\lib\OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19\OLE-Storage_Lite-0.19
run the following commands : 
perl Makefile.PL
dmake test
dmake install    
dmake clean     
- To install the SpreadSheet::ParseExcel module go to : 
cd E:\perl\sfw\csv\lib\Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.2603
run the following commands: 
perl Makefile.PL
dmake test
dmake install    
dmake clean     
- Now you have all the prerequisites to run the script :
- double click the E:\Perl\sfw\csv\parseExcelToCsv.2.0.cmd file if nothing happens check its contents ... 
END ================== TemplateGenerator.0.1.0.ReadMe.txt

how-to read dir into array of files in Perl

use strict ;

sub main {
my @arrayTemplateFiles = () ;
my $arrayTemplateFiles = readDirGetArrayOfFiles ();
@arrayTemplateFiles = @$arrayTemplateFiles ; #dereference

# print all the filenames in our array
foreach my $templateFile (@arrayTemplateFiles ) {
print "2 \$templateFile is $templateFile\n";
} #foreach

} #eof main

sub readDirGetArrayOfFiles {

# create a list of all *.pl files in
# the current directory
opendir(DIR, ".");
my @files = grep(/\.pl$/,readdir(DIR));

# print all the filenames in our array
foreach my $templateFile (@files) {
print "\$templateFile is $templateFile\n";

return \@files;

} #eof main

#Action !!!


SVN Cheat Sheet

echo how-to to get help for svn
svn help

echo get help for the "import" command of svn
svn help import

echo checkout a project
svn checkout YordanGeorgiev pass

echo import the project
svn import . -m " Revision log message"

echo add all the files from the current dir recursively
svn add *


how-to get stored procedure and user defined funtions metadata in MSSQL 2008

SO.Type_Desc AS [ObjectType (UDF/SP)],
P.parameter_id AS [ParameterID], AS [ParameterName],
TYPE_NAME(P.user_type_id) AS [ParametDataType],
P.max_length AS [ParameterMaxBytes],
P.is_output AS [IsOutPutParameter]
FROM sys.objects AS SO
INNER JOIN sys.parameters AS P 
FROM sys.objects
ORDER BY [Schema],, P.parameter_id


A nice way to generate a default ini file path from the file path of the executing process in C#

/// <summary>
/// Creates a default inifile in a format hostName.processName.ini , in the same directory where the 
/// </summary>
/// <returns>the file path to the init file in a string </returns>
public static string CreateProcessDefaultIniFile()
string strIniFilePath = String.Empty;
string strPathToExe = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0];
string extension = Path.GetExtension(strPathToExe);
//string filename = Path.GetFileName(strPathToExe);
string strBaseDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(strPathToExe);
string strMachineName = System.Environment.MachineName;
string fileNameNoExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strPathToExe);
//now build the default ini file path 
strIniFilePath = strBaseDir + @"\" + strMachineName + "." + fileNameNoExtension + ".ini";
return strIniFilePath;
} //eof method 


Release management flow chart

They say a picture is worth 1000 words ... this picture has also couple of words ...

I am probably re-inventing the wheel, however this IS a simplified version of that wheel ...


release management definitions


Term Definition
RFC (Request for Change) A high-level change request that captures the detail of a change that is to be made to a new or existing application. RFCs are usually decomposed down to lower level work requests or tasks for software development.
CAB (Change Advisory Board) The collection of stakeholders who review all RFCs at specific intervals to assess whether they should be implemented, assign priorities and allocated them to a Release.
Release A stable, executable version of a product  intended for deployment to testing and production.
Release Package A logical container that defines the set of RFCs and Deployment Units (sometimes called Release Units) that are to be included in a Release. It also includes metadata such as the type of release (see Release Type) and its planned dates (see Release Calendar).
Release Type The type of release that is to be implemented, i.e. Major, Minor, Emergency. Each Release Type will usually have a different workflow.
Release Policy An organisations published policy that determines under which circumstances different Release Types should be used as well as the standard set of milestones that selecting a particular Release Type implies in the Release Calendar.
Release Calendar A set of published milestones that details when Releases are planned to transition through the different development, test and production phases.
Baseline A snapshot of the exact versions of Configuration Items, including executables, libraries, configuration files and documentation that are to be deployed.
Build An operational version of a product or part of a product. Not all builds are released but builds are typically carried to transform inputs (source code) into executed and installable Deployment Units.
Deployment Unit A physical, self-contained, installable release of an application.


a simple for loop in qt console

#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    qWarning("Program START =======================================================") ;

    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
        qWarning(QString::number(i).toUtf8() ) ;

    } //eof for

    qWarning("Program END =======================================================") ;

    return a.exec();
} //eof main

Cool programs , utilities and programming environments for Windows, most of which free ( revised )

Cool programs , utilities and programming environments for Windows, most of which free ( revised )

Opera - simply the best browser on the planet
SysInternals Suite
Safari -
Google Chrome
strawberry perl for Windows (with dmake for modules )
Active Perl
izarc - the best zipper
Process Explorer - shows resources usage per running process on Windows
Google Earth
Picasa - the best free picture viewer , organizer
Mozilla Thunderbird
Textpad - the best text editor for Windows
smstoolpack - create CRUD for sql server
Open diff - tool for comparing sql server 2005 databases
Skype - the best client for Internet and Video Telephony
NSIS - the best open source Windows installer maker
And the time plugin
Gears -- edit online documents offline
Free youtube to ipod converter -- get mp4 files easily to your phone
Defragler - Disk Defragment utility
DvdDecrypter - the best DVD free ripper
ImgBurner - burn ISO images - freeware
ArsClip remembers your clibboard stuff - Hint , Ctrl + Shift + Z , 2
colorpic - Color to hex utility
Expresso - a GUI tool for building and verifying Regular Expressions
a flv file player
Python - for cool scripts and programming
STARUML - the best open source UML editor
Infrarecorder - free CD / DVD burner
Paint.Net - freeware image editor
Multiline Search and Replace utility program
Google Gears - use Gmail offline
tortoise svn - a stable gui and command line to subversion for Windows
slik svn - the command line tools for svn for windows
Data Recovery - recover Shift + del removed programs
Windows Sysinternal utilities
Cmdow is a Win32 commandline utility for NT4/2000/XP/2003 that allows windows to be listed, moved, resized, renamed, hidden/unhidden, disabled/enabled, minimized, maximized, restored, activated/inactivated, closed, killed and more.
Grep , FGrep and Egrep for windows (remember the dll's also )
Less for Windows ( remember the dll's also )
Rise Editor - Entity Relationship Diagram tool
Adobe Acrobat
Virtual Clone Drive - Map ISO files
svn client and server
Doxygen - code documentation utility
Qt - Nokia's Development Platform
Dia - control flow chars freeware software
AudioGrabber - the best mp3 ripper
AutoHotKey - GUI automating


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