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XGrid revised

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace Gui.Controls

  [DefaultProperty ( "Text" )]
  [ToolboxData ( "<{0}:XGrid runat=server></{0}:XGrid>" )]
  public class XGrid : GridView

    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises an <see cref="XGrid"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public XGrid ()

    #region Properties

    #region HasCustomFormatting
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the results summary should be shown.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [Description ( "Whether this gridview would need custom formatting per column ." )]
    public bool HasCustomFormatting

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".HasCustomFormatting"] == null)
          return false;
          return (bool)HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".HasCustomFormatting"];
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".HasCustomFormatting"] = value; }

    #region Ld
    private ListDictionary ld;
    [Description ( "Contains the extended properties values from the stored procedures " )]
    public ListDictionary Ld
        return ld;
        this.ld = value;
    #endregion Ld

    #region MaxCharColapse
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the results summary should be shown.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( 50 )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [Description ( "At which character the column of the gridview should colapse" )]
    public int MaxCharColapse
        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MaxCharColapse"] == null)
          return 50;
          return (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MaxCharColapse"];
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MaxCharColapse"] = value; }
    #endregion MaxCharColapse

    private int GvPageSize
        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] == null)
          //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "GvPageSize is null " );
          return 20;
        }            //this is the default size of the page
          //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "GvPageSize is  " + System.Convert.ToString ( HttpContext.Current.Session ["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize" ] ) );
          return System.Convert.ToInt32 ( HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] );
      } //eof get
        {                //accept only whole numbers , if not whole number set default 7

          int pageSizeToSet = value;
          HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] = pageSizeToSet;
          System.Convert.ToInt64 ( pageSizeToSet );
          if (pageSizeToSet >= this.DataSourceCount || pageSizeToSet < 0)
            HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] = this.DataSourceCount;
            //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "The DataSourceCount is " + System.Convert.ToString ( this.DataSourceCount ) );
            this.MyPageIndex = 0;
            //variant Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRow
            //this.AllowPaging = false; 
          } //eof to return all if 
            HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] = value;
          } //eof if the desired page size is smaller than the number 

        } //eof try 
        catch (System.FormatException sfe)
          HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".GvPageSize"] = 13; //fatal number of exceptions 
        } //eof catch

      } //eof set

    } //eof property GvPageSize

    private string GetSortDirection ()
      switch (GridViewSortDirection)
        case "ASC":
          GridViewSortDirection = "DESC";

        case "DESC":
          GridViewSortDirection = "ASC";

      return GridViewSortDirection;

    #region GridViewSortDirection
    private string GridViewSortDirection
      get { return HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "SortDirection"] as string ?? "ASC"; }
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "SortDirection"] = value; }
    #endregion GridViewSortDirection

    //private GenApp.Bo.User userObj;
    //public GenApp.Bo.User UserObj { get { return this.userObj; } set { this.userObj = value; } }

    #region GridViewSortExpression
    private string GridViewSortExpression
      get { return HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "SortExpression"] as string ?? string.Empty; }
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "SortExpression"] = value; }
    #endregion //GridViewSortExpression

    #region MyPageIndex
    public int MyPageIndex
        //     //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "The page index of gb with id " + Convert.ToString ( 
        //        HttpContext.Current.Session ["global." + this.ID ]) + " is " + 
        //Convert.ToString ( 
        //        HttpContext.Current.Session ["global." + this.ID + "MyPageIndex"] ))  ;
        return System.Convert.ToInt16 (
        HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MyPageIndex"] );

      } //eof get

        this.PageIndex = value;
        HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MyPageIndex"] = value;
    } //eof property MyPageIndex

    #endregion //GridViewSortExpression

    #region StrLabMsgText
    private string _StrLabMsgText;
    public string StrLabMsgText
        //     //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "The page index of gb with id " + Convert.ToString ( 
        //        HttpContext.Current.Session ["global." + this.ID ]) + " is " + 
        //Convert.ToString ( 
        //        HttpContext.Current.Session ["global." + this.ID + "StrLabMsgText"] ))  ;
        return System.Convert.ToString (
        HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "StrLabMsgText"] );

      } //eof get

        _StrLabMsgText = value;
        HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "StrLabMsgText"] = value;
    } //eof property StrLabMsgText


    #region DataSourceCount
    private int _dataSourceCount;

    /// <summary>
    /// The total number of rows in the data source.
    /// </summary>
    [Browsable ( false )]
    public int DataSourceCount
        if (this.Rows.Count == 0)
          return 0;
        else if (this.AllowPaging)
          return this._dataSourceCount;
          return this.Rows.Count;
        this._dataSourceCount = value;
      } //eof set 


    #region ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo
    private int _ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo;

    /// <summary>
    /// The total number of rows in the data source.
    /// </summary>
    [Browsable ( false )]
    public int ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo
        if (_ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo == null)
          return 0;
          return _ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo;
        this._ColumnNumberToGenerateLinksTo = value;
      } //eof set 


    #region UrlToLinkTo
    private string _UrlToLinkTo;
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the results summary should be shown.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [Description ( " Which is the link to link to." )]
    public string UrlToLinkTo
        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".UrlToLinkTo"] == null)
          return String.Empty;
          return (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".UrlToLinkTo"];
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".UrlToLinkTo"] = value; }

    //#region ColNameToLinkAgainst
    //private string _ColNameToLinkAgainst;
    ///// <summary>
    ///// Whether the results summary should be shown.
    ///// </summary>
    //[DefaultValue ( true )]
    //[Category ( "Appearance" )]
    //[Description ( " Which is the Column Name to link Against." )]
    //public string ColNameToLinkAgainst
    //  get
    //  {
    //    if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ColNameToLinkAgainst"] == null)
    //      return String.Empty;
    //    else
    //      return (string)HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ColNameToLinkAgainst"];
    //  }
    //  set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ColNameToLinkAgainst"] = value; }

    #region ShowResultSummary
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the results summary should be shown.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [Description ( "Whether the results summary should be shown." )]
    public bool ShowResultSummary

        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ShowResultSummary"] == null)
          return false;
          return (bool)HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ShowResultSummary"];
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + ".ShowResultSummary"] = value; }

    #region AllowInserting
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the GridView will allow rows to be inserted.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( false )]
    [Category ( "Behavior" )]
    [Description ( "Whether the GridView will allow rows to be inserted." )]
    public bool AllowInserting
        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["AllowInserting"] == null)
          return false;
          return (bool)HttpContext.Current.Session["AllowInserting"];
        if (this.AllowInserting != value)
          this.RequiresDataBinding = true;

        HttpContext.Current.Session["AllowInserting"] = value;

    #region InsertRowActive
    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the insert row is active.
    /// </summary>
    [DefaultValue ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [Description ( "Whether the insert row is active." )]
    public bool InsertRowActive
        if (HttpContext.Current.Session["InsertRowActive"] == null)
          return true;
        return (bool)HttpContext.Current.Session["InsertRowActive"];
        if (this.InsertRowActive != value)
          this.RequiresDataBinding = true;

        HttpContext.Current.Session["InsertRowActive"] = value;

    #region InsertRow
    private GridViewRow _insertRow;

    /// <summary>
    /// The row in the grid that contains the insert controls.
    /// </summary>
    [Browsable ( false )]
    public GridViewRow InsertRow
      get { return this._insertRow; }

    #region HeaderRow
    private GridViewRow _myHeaderRow;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the row in the grid that corresponds to the header.
    /// </summary>
    [Browsable ( false )]
    public override GridViewRow HeaderRow
        if (this._myHeaderRow != null)
          return this._myHeaderRow;
          return base.HeaderRow;

    #region MyDataSource
    private DataTable _MyDataSource;
    public DataTable MyDataSource
        return (DataTable)( HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MyDataSource"] );

      } //eof get

        this._MyDataSource = value;
        HttpContext.Current.Session["global." + this.ID + "MyDataSource"] = value;
    } //eof property MyDataSource

    #endregion MyDataSource

    #region AscendingImageUrl
    /// <summary>
    /// Image that is displayed when <see cref="SortDirection"/> is ascending.
    /// </summary>
    //[Editor ( typeof ( ImageUrlEditor ), typeof ( UITypeEditor ) )]
    [Description ( "Image that is displayed when SortDirection is ascending." )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    public string AscendingImageUrl
      get { return HttpContext.Current.Session["AscendingImageUrl"] as string; }
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["AscendingImageUrl"] = value; }

    #region DescendingImageUrl
    /// <summary>
    /// Image that is displayed when <see cref="SortDirection"/
    /// is descending.
    /// </summary>
    //[Editor ( typeof ( ImageUrlEditor ), typeof ( UITypeEditor ) )]
    [Description ( "Image that is displayed when SortDirection is descending." )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    public string DescendingImageUrl
      get { return HttpContext.Current.Session["DescendingImageUrl"] as string; }
      set { HttpContext.Current.Session["DescendingImageUrl"] = value; }

    #region TextProperty
    [Bindable ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [DefaultValue ( "" )]
    [Localizable ( true )]
    public string Text
        String s = (String)HttpContext.Current.Session["Text"];
        return ( ( s == null ) ? "[" + "global." + this.ID + "]" : s );

        HttpContext.Current.Session["Text"] = value;
    #endregion Text

    #region FirstRowColor
    [Bindable ( true )]
    [Category ( "Appearance" )]
    [DefaultValue ( "" )]
    [Localizable ( true )]
    public string FirstRowColor
        return (String)HttpContext.Current.Session["FirstRowColor"];

        HttpContext.Current.Session["FirsRowColor"] = value;
    #endregion FirsRowColor


    #region Instance members

    #region Events
    /// <summary>
    /// Fires before a row is inserted.
    /// </summary>
    [Category ( "Action" )]
    [Description ( "Fires before a row is inserted." )]
    public event EventHandler<GridViewInsertEventArgs> RowInserting;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fires after a row has been inserted.
    /// </summary>
    [Category ( "Action" )]
    [Description ( "Fires after a row has been inserted." )]
    public event EventHandler<GridViewInsertedEventArgs> RowInserted;

    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the <see cref="RowInserting"/> event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">Event data.</param>
    protected virtual void OnRowInserting ( GridViewInsertEventArgs e )
      if (this.RowInserting != null)
        this.RowInserting ( this, e );
      else if (!this.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID && !e.Cancel)
        throw new System.Web.HttpException ( string.Format ( "The GridView '{0}' fired event RowInserting which wasn't handled.", "global." + this.ID ) );

    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the <see cref="RowInserted"/> event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">Event data.</param>
    protected virtual void OnRowInserted ( GridViewInsertedEventArgs e )
      if (this.RowInserted != null)
        this.RowInserted ( this, e );

    protected override void OnSorting ( GridViewSortEventArgs e )
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "OnSorting START" );
      GridViewSortExpression = e.SortExpression;
      //int pageIndex = this.PageIndex;
      int pageIndex = this.MyPageIndex;

      //    this.DataBind ( ); //databind again after sorting
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "From OnSorting" );
      //this.PageSize = this.GvPageSize;
      //this.PageSize = 15; 
      //variant this.PageIndex = pageIndex;
      this.MyPageIndex = pageIndex;

      //variant this.CreateBottomSummary ( );
      this.DataSource = SortDataTable ( this.DataSource as DataTable, false );

      this.DataBind ();

      //base.OnSorting ( e );

    protected override void OnDataBinding ( EventArgs e )
      //DEBUG//Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "OnDataBionding start " );
      //int newSetPageSize = this.GetPagerSize ( );
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "From OnDataBinding" );
      //this.GvPageSize = newSetPageSize;

      base.OnDataBinding ( e );

    } //eof method OnDataBinding

    #endregion    //W
    /// <summary>
    /// Create the pager.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="row">The pager row.</param>
    /// <param name="columnSpan">The number of columns the pager should span.</param>
    /// <param name="pagedDataSource">The data source.</param>
    protected override void InitializePager ( GridViewRow row, int columnSpan,
      PagedDataSource pagedDataSource )
      //DEBUG//Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "Initialize Pager START" );
      // Nab total row count from data source

      #region GenericNumberPager

      #region Preparation
      this.DataSourceCount = pagedDataSource.DataSourceCount; ;
      HtmlGenericControl pageControls = new HtmlGenericControl ( "div" );
      pageControls.Style.Add ( "max-width", "100%" );
      pageControls.Style.Add ( HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize, "medium" );

      // Create table cell for pager
      TableCell cell = new TableCell ();
      cell.ColumnSpan = columnSpan;
      cell.Controls.Clear ();

      //variant AddSomeFontStyle pageControls.Style.Add ( HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontFamily, "webdings" );
      pageControls.Style.Add ( HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontSize, "medium" );
      pageControls.Style.Add ( "float", "left" );
      #endregion Preparation

      #region AddTheFirstLink
      LinkButton lnkFirst = new LinkButton ();
      lnkFirst.ID = "lnkFirst";
      lnkFirst.ToolTip = "Click here to open the First page";
      lnkFirst.CausesValidation = false;
      lnkFirst.Text = "First Page";
      lnkFirst.CommandName = "Page";
      lnkFirst.CommandArgument = "first";
      //variant lnkFirst.Enabled = (this.PageIndex != 0);
      lnkFirst.Enabled = ( this.PageIndex != 0 );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkFirst );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      #endregion AddTheFirstLink

      #region AddThePreviousPageLink
      LinkButton lnkPrevious = new LinkButton ();
      lnkPrevious.ID = "lnkPrevious";
      lnkPrevious.ToolTip = "Click to open the Previous page";
      lnkPrevious.CausesValidation = false;
      lnkPrevious.Text = "Previous Page";
      lnkPrevious.CommandName = "Page";
      lnkPrevious.CommandArgument = "Prev";
      lnkPrevious.Enabled = lnkFirst.Enabled;
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkPrevious );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;" ) );

      #endregion AddTheNextPageLink

      #region AddTheNumbersForPaging

      int intNumOfPages = System.Convert.ToInt16 ( this.DataSourceCount / this.PageSize );
      int intCurrentPageIndex = this.MyPageIndex;
      int intSizeAdjuster = 0;
      int intPreviousTenPages = 0;
      int intNextTenPages = 0;
      bool flagDoCreatePagerLink = false;

      #region AddThePreviousTenPageLink
      intPreviousTenPages = intCurrentPageIndex - 10;
      if (intPreviousTenPages <= 0)
        intPreviousTenPages = 0;

      if (intPreviousTenPages != 0)
        LinkButton lnkPreviousTen = new LinkButton ();
        lnkPreviousTen.ID = "lnkPreviousTen";
        lnkPreviousTen.ToolTip = "Click to open the Previous 10 pages";
        lnkPreviousTen.CausesValidation = false;
        lnkPreviousTen.Text = "-10...";
        lnkPreviousTen.CommandName = "Page";
        lnkPreviousTen.CommandArgument = intPreviousTenPages.ToString ();
        lnkPreviousTen.Enabled = lnkFirst.Enabled;
        pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkPreviousTen );
        pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;" ) );
      #endregion AddThePreviousTenPageLink

      #region IfThereIsOnlyOneItemItBehavesDifferently
      if (this.PageSize == 1)
        intSizeAdjuster = 0;
        intSizeAdjuster = 1;
      #endregion IfThereIsOnlyOneItemItBehavesDifferently

      #region LoopTroughPageNumbers
      for (int i = 0; i < intNumOfPages + intSizeAdjuster; i++)
        #region IfThePagerHasMoreThan2*10Pages
        if (intNumOfPages >= 2 * 10)
          if (intCurrentPageIndex <= 10)
            if (i <= intCurrentPageIndex + 10)
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = true;
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = false;

            //else do nothing 

          } //eof if ( intCurrentPageIndex <= 10)
          else if (intCurrentPageIndex <= intNumOfPages - 10)
            if (i >= intCurrentPageIndex - 10 && i <= intCurrentPageIndex + 10)
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = true;
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = false;

          else if (intCurrentPageIndex > intNumOfPages - 10)
            if (i <= intCurrentPageIndex && i >= intCurrentPageIndex - 10)
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = true;
            else if (i > intCurrentPageIndex)
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = true;
              flagDoCreatePagerLink = false;

          #region AddThePageNumberPagerLink
          if (flagDoCreatePagerLink == true)

            LinkButton lbPager = new LinkButton ();
            lbPager.ID = i.ToString ();

            lbPager.CommandName = "Page";
            lbPager.CausesValidation = false;
            lbPager.CommandArgument = ( i + 1 ).ToString ();
            lbPager.Text = ( i + 1 ).ToString ();
            //disable the links for the current page
            if (intCurrentPageIndex == i)
              lbPager.ToolTip = "This is the current active page";
              lbPager.Enabled = false;

            pageControls.Controls.Add ( lbPager );
            pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );

          #endregion AddThePageNumberPagerLink
        } //eof if (intNumOfPages > 20)
        #endregion IfThePagerHasMoreThan2*10Pages

          #region AddThePageNumberPagerLink
          LinkButton lbPager = new LinkButton ();
          lbPager.ID = i.ToString ();

          lbPager.CommandName = "Page";
          lbPager.CausesValidation = false;
          lbPager.CommandArgument = ( i + 1 ).ToString ();
          lbPager.Text = ( i + 1 ).ToString ();
          //disable the links for the current page
          if (intCurrentPageIndex == i)
            lbPager.ToolTip = "This is the current active page";
            lbPager.Enabled = false;

          pageControls.Controls.Add ( lbPager );
          pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
          #endregion AddThePageNumberPagerLink
        } //else if ( intNumOfPages > 10 ) 

      } //eof for 
      #endregion LoopTroughPageNumbers

      #endregion AddTheNumbersForPaging

      #region AddTheNextPageLink
      LinkButton lnkNext = new LinkButton ();
      lnkNext.ID = "lnkNext";
      lnkNext.ToolTip = "Next page";
      lnkNext.CausesValidation = false;
      lnkNext.Text = "Next Page";
      lnkNext.CommandName = "Page";
      lnkNext.CommandArgument = "Next";
      //variant lnkNext.Enabled = (this.PageIndex < (this.PageCount - 1));
      lnkNext.Enabled = ( this.PageIndex < ( this.PageCount - 1 ) );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkNext );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      #endregion AddTheNextPageLink

      #region AddTheNextTenPagesLink

      intNextTenPages = intCurrentPageIndex + 10;
      if (intNextTenPages >= intNumOfPages)
        intNextTenPages = intNumOfPages;

      if (intNextTenPages != intNumOfPages)
        LinkButton lnkNextTen = new LinkButton ();
        lnkNextTen.ID = "lnkNextTen";
        lnkNextTen.ToolTip = "Next page";
        lnkNextTen.CausesValidation = false;
        lnkNextTen.Text = "..+10";
        lnkNextTen.CommandName = "Page";
        lnkNextTen.CommandArgument = intNextTenPages.ToString (); ;
        //variant lnkNextTen.Enabled = (this.PageIndex < (this.PageCount - 1));
        lnkNextTen.Enabled = ( this.PageIndex < ( this.PageCount - 1 ) );
        pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkNextTen );
        pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      #endregion AddTheNextPageLink

      #region AddTheLastLink
      LinkButton lnkLast = new LinkButton ();
      lnkLast.ID = "lnkLast";
      lnkLast.ToolTip = "Click here to open the Last page";
      lnkLast.CausesValidation = false;
      lnkLast.Text = "Last Page";
      lnkLast.CommandName = "Page";
      lnkLast.CommandArgument = "Last";
      lnkLast.Enabled = ( this.PageIndex < ( this.PageCount - 1 ) );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkLast );
      pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      #endregion AddTheLastLink

      cell.Controls.Add ( pageControls );
      // Add the cell to pager row
      row.Cells.Add ( cell );

      #region CopyPaste
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkFirst );
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      //LinkButton lnkPrevious = new LinkButton ();
      //lnkPrevious.ID = "lnkPrevious";
      //lnkPrevious.ToolTip = "Previous page";
      //lnkPrevious.CausesValidation = false;
      //lnkPrevious.Text = "<<";
      //lnkPrevious.CommandName = "Page";
      //lnkPrevious.CommandArgument = "Prev";
      //lnkPrevious.Enabled = lnkFirst.Enabled;
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkPrevious );
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;" ) );
      //LinkButton lnkNext = new LinkButton ();
      //lnkNext.ID = "lnkNext";
      //lnkNext.ToolTip = "Next page";
      //lnkNext.CausesValidation = false;
      //lnkNext.Text = ">>";
      //lnkNext.CommandName = "Page";
      //lnkNext.CommandArgument = "Next";
      ////variant lnkNext.Enabled = (this.PageIndex < (this.PageCount - 1));
      //lnkNext.Enabled = ( this.PageIndex < ( this.PageCount - 1 ) );
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkNext );
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( new LiteralControl ( "&nbsp;&nbsp; " ) );
      //LinkButton lnkLast = new LinkButton ();
      //lnkLast.ID = "lnkLast";
      //lnkLast.ToolTip = "Last page";
      //lnkLast.CausesValidation = false;
      //lnkLast.Text = "last";
      //lnkLast.CommandName = "Page";
      //lnkLast.CommandArgument = "Last";
      //lnkLast.Enabled = lnkNext.Enabled;
      //pageControls.Controls.Add ( lnkLast );
      #endregion CopyPaste
      // Add pager controls to cell1

      #endregion GenericNumberPager

      //variant this.CreateBottomSummary ( );

    protected override void OnInit ( EventArgs e )
      base.OnInit ( e );
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "XGrid.cs OnInit START" );
      //this.GvPageSize = 20;
      this.PageIndex = this.MyPageIndex;
    } //eof method 

    protected override void LoadControlState ( object savedState )
      base.LoadControlState ( savedState );

    private void CreateBottomSummary ()
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "XGrid.cs CreateBottomSummary START" );
      if (this.ShowResultSummary && this.PageCount != 0)
        //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( " after if " );
        // Create summary controls
        //variant org 
        //variant int firstResultIndex = this.PageIndex * this.PageSize;
        int firstResultIndex = this.PageIndex * this.PageSize;

        //DEBUG//Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "From CreateBottomSummary" );
        //variant gets null each 2 time int firstResultIndex = this.PageIndex * this.GvPageSize; 
        HtmlGenericControl topSummaryControl = new HtmlGenericControl ( "div" );
        topSummaryControl.Style.Add ( "float", "left" );
        topSummaryControl.InnerHtml = string.Format ( "Showing records <strong> from </strong>" +
        "{0} <strong> to </strong> {1} out of {2}   ", firstResultIndex + 1,
        firstResultIndex + this.Rows.Count, this.DataSourceCount ); //add + " with " 
        HtmlGenericControl bottomSummaryControl = new HtmlGenericControl ( "div" );
        bottomSummaryControl.Style.Add ( "float", "left" );
        bottomSummaryControl.InnerHtml = topSummaryControl.InnerHtml;

        #region AddHererTextBox
        ////====================================Add here the paging textbox START
        //TextBox txtgv = new TextBox ( );
        //txtgv.ID= "global." + this.ID.ToString ( ) + "txtgv";
        //txtgv.Visible = true;
        //txtgv.Width = new Unit ( 20, UnitType.Pixel );
        //txtgv.Font.Size = new FontUnit ( FontSize.XSmall );
        //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "From CreateBottomSummary2" );
        //txtgv.Text = System.Convert.ToString ( this.GvPageSize );
        //txtgv.EnableViewState = true;
        ////txtgv.TextChanged += new EventHandler ( this.ClickSetPageSize );
        //Button butPageSetter = new Button ( );
        //butPageSetter.ID = "butPageSetter";
        //butPageSetter.Text = " per page ";
        //butPageSetter.Click += new EventHandler ( this.ClickSetPageSize );
        ////txtgv.TextChanged += new EventHandler ( txtgv_TextChanged );
        //bottomSummaryControl.Controls.Add ( txtgv );
        //bottomSummaryControl.Controls.Add ( butPageSetter );
        ////====================================Add here the paging textbox END
        #endregion //AddHererTextBox

        if (this.PageCount == 1)
          // Add summary to table at the top
          this.Controls[0].Controls.AddAt ( 0, this.CreateSummaryRow ( topSummaryControl ) );
          // Add summary to table at the bottom
          this.Controls[0].Controls.Add ( this.CreateSummaryRow ( bottomSummaryControl ) );
          //variant bottom this.Controls.Add ( this.CreateSummaryRow ( bottomSummaryControl ) );
        } //eof if
          // Add summary control to top pager
          if (this.TopPagerRow != null)
            this.TopPagerRow.Cells[0].Controls.Add ( topSummaryControl );
          // Add summary control to bottom pager
          if (this.BottomPagerRow != null)
            this.BottomPagerRow.Cells[0].Controls.Add ( bottomSummaryControl );
        } //eof else 
      } //eof if ( this.ShowResultSummary && this.PageCount != 0 )

      //variant base.PageSize = this.GvPageSize; 

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the control's child controls.
    /// </summary>
    protected override int CreateChildControls ( IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding )
      int controlsCreated = base.CreateChildControls ( dataSource, dataBinding );
      if (this.DisplayInsertRow)
        ICollection cols = this.CreateColumns ( null, false );
        DataControlField[] fields = new DataControlField[cols.Count];
        cols.CopyTo ( fields, 0 );
        if (this.Controls.Count == 0)
          // Create dummy table for inserting the first entry
          Table tableControl = new Table ();
          if (this.ShowHeader)
            // Create header
            this._myHeaderRow = this.CreateRow ( -1, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal );
            this.InitializeRow ( this._myHeaderRow, fields );
            // Trigger events
            GridViewRowEventArgs headerRowArgs = new GridViewRowEventArgs ( this._myHeaderRow );
            this.OnRowCreated ( headerRowArgs );
            tableControl.Rows.Add ( this._myHeaderRow );
            if (dataBinding)
              this.OnRowDataBound ( headerRowArgs );
          // Add insert row
          this.Controls.Add ( tableControl );

          // Use generated header row
          this._myHeaderRow = null;

        // Create insertion row
        this._insertRow = this.CreateRow ( -1, -1, DataControlRowType.DataRow, this.InsertRowActive ? DataControlRowState.Insert : DataControlRowState.Normal );
        this._insertRow.ControlStyle.MergeWith ( this.AlternatingRowStyle );
        this.InitializeRow ( this._insertRow, fields );

        // Trigger events
        GridViewRowEventArgs insertRowArgs = new GridViewRowEventArgs ( this._insertRow );
        this.OnRowCreated ( insertRowArgs );

        // Add row to top of table, just below header
        this.Controls[0].Controls.AddAt ( this.Controls[0].Controls.IndexOf ( this.HeaderRow ) + 1, this._insertRow );
        if (dataBinding)
          this.OnRowDataBound ( insertRowArgs );

      this.CreateBottomSummary ();
      return controlsCreated;
    } //eof CreateChildControls

    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises a row in the grid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="row">The row to initialise.</param>
    /// <param name="fields">The fields with which to initialise the row.</param>
    protected override void InitializeRow ( GridViewRow row, DataControlField[] fields )
      base.InitializeRow ( row, fields );

      if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header && this.AscendingImageUrl != null)

        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
          if (this.SortExpression.Length > 0 && fields[i].SortExpression == this.SortExpression)
            // Add sort indicator
            Image sortIndicator = new Image ();
            sortIndicator.ImageUrl = this.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending ? this.AscendingImageUrl : this.DescendingImageUrl;
            sortIndicator.Style.Add ( HtmlTextWriterStyle.VerticalAlign, "TextTop" );
            row.Cells[i].Controls.Add ( sortIndicator );

      foreach (TableCell cell in row.Cells)
        // If we have an insert button it should only be shown on the insert row
        foreach (Control control in cell.Controls)
          IButtonControl button = control as IButtonControl;
          if (row == this._insertRow)
            if (row.RowState == DataControlRowState.Normal)
              // Hide all controls other than the insert button on the insert row
              control.Visible = false;
              if (button != null && ( button.CommandName == "Insert" || button.CommandName == "New" ))
                control.Visible = true;
            else if (button != null && button.CommandName == "Cancel")
              // Hide cancel button on insert row
              control.Visible = false;
          else if (button != null && button.CommandName == "New")
            // Hide the insert button from all other rows
            control.Visible = false;

    private IOrderedDictionary _insertValues;

    private bool HandleInsertCallback ( int affectedRows, Exception ex )
      GridViewInsertedEventArgs e = new GridViewInsertedEventArgs ( this._insertValues, ex );
      this.OnRowInserted ( e );
      if (ex != null && !e.ExceptionHandled)
        return false;

      this.RequiresDataBinding = true;
      return true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Raises the <see cref="GridView.RowCommand"/> event.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">Event data.</param>
    protected override void OnRowCommand ( GridViewCommandEventArgs e )
      base.OnRowCommand ( e );
      if (e.CommandName == "New")
        this.InsertRowActive = true;
        this.EditIndex = -1;
        this.RequiresDataBinding = true;
      else if (e.CommandName == "Edit")
        this.InsertRowActive = false;
      else if (e.CommandName == "Insert")
        // Perform validation if necessary
        bool doInsert = true;
        IButtonControl button = e.CommandSource as IButtonControl;
        if (button != null)
          if (button.CausesValidation)
            this.Page.Validate ( button.ValidationGroup );
            doInsert = this.Page.IsValid;

        if (doInsert)
          // Get values
          this._insertValues = new OrderedDictionary ();
          this.ExtractRowValues ( this._insertValues, this._insertRow, true, false );
          GridViewInsertEventArgs insertArgs = new GridViewInsertEventArgs ( this._insertRow, this._insertValues );
          this.OnRowInserting ( insertArgs );
          if (!insertArgs.Cancel && this.IsBoundUsingDataSourceID)
            // Get data source
            DataSourceView data = this.GetData ();
            data.Insert ( this._insertValues, this.HandleInsertCallback );
    }  //eof method OnRowCommand

    protected override void OnRowUpdating ( GridViewUpdateEventArgs e )
      base.OnRowUpdating ( e );

    protected override void OnPageIndexChanging ( GridViewPageEventArgs e )
      this.DataSource = this.SortDataTable ( this.DataSource as DataTable, true );
      //this.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
      this.MyPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "From OnPageIndexChanging" );

      this.DataBind (); //databind again after sorting            
    } //eof method 

    protected override void DataBind ( bool raiseOnDataBinding )
      //this.PageSize = this.GetPagerSize ( );
      //this.PageSize = this.GvPageSize; 

      base.DataBind ( raiseOnDataBinding );
      this.PageIndex = this.MyPageIndex;
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders the contents of the control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="writer">The <see cref="HtmlTextWriter"/> to write to.</param>
    protected override void RenderContents ( HtmlTextWriter writer )
      if (String.IsNullOrEmpty ( this.StrLabMsgText ) == false)
        writer.WriteBeginTag ( "div" );
        writer.WriteBeginTag ( "p" );
        writer.Write ( this.StrLabMsgText );
        writer.WriteEndTag ( "p" );

        writer.WriteEndTag ( "div" );
      base.RenderContents ( writer );
    } //eof method RenderContents

    //OLD private TableRow CreateSummaryRow ( Control summaryControl )
    //  TableRow summaryRow = new TableRow ( );
    //  TableCell summaryCell = new TableCell ( );
    //  summaryCell.ColumnSpan = this.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;
    //  summaryRow.Cells.Add ( summaryCell );
    //  summaryCell.Controls.Add ( summaryControl );

    //  return summaryRow;
    //} //eof method CreateSummaryRow

    private GridViewRow CreateSummaryRow ( Control summaryControl )
      GridViewRow summaryRow = new GridViewRow ( 0, 0, DataControlRowType.EmptyDataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal );
      TableCell summaryCell = new TableCell ();
      summaryCell.ColumnSpan = this.HeaderRow.Cells.Count;
      summaryRow.Cells.Add ( summaryCell );
      summaryCell.Controls.Add ( summaryControl );

      return summaryRow;
    } //eof method CreateSummaryRow

    protected override void OnRowCreated ( GridViewRowEventArgs e )
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "START --- XGrid -- OnRowCreated" );
      base.OnRowCreated ( e );

      #region HideColumnsSetToBeHidden
      System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary ld = this.Ld;
      if (ld != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < e.Row.Cells.Count; i++)
          string key;
          int intColNumberToHide;

          if (i < 9)
            key = "0" + i.ToString () + "HideColumn";
            key = i.ToString () + "HideColumn";

          if (key != null && ld != null && ld[key] != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty ( ld[key].ToString () ) == false)
            #region TryToGetANumber
              intColNumberToHide = System.Convert.ToInt16 ( ld[key] );
              if (intColNumberToHide == 1)
                e.Row.Cells[i].Visible = false;
                //do nothing by default all this.columns are visible !!!                                
            #endregion TryToGetANumber
            #region CatchExceptions
            catch (Exception ex)

            #endregion CatchExceptions
          } //eof if (String.IsNullOrEmpty ( ld[key].ToString() ) == false)
      } //eof if (ld != null)
      #endregion HideColumnsSetToBeHidden

      if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        if (( e.Row.RowIndex % 2 ) == 0)
          e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml ( "#EFEFEF" );
      } //eof if 
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "END --- XGrid -- OnRowCreated" );
    } //eof method 

    protected override void OnDataBound ( EventArgs e )
      base.OnDataBound ( e );


    protected override void OnRowDataBound ( GridViewRowEventArgs e )

      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "START --- XGrid --- OnRowDataBound" );
      base.OnRowDataBound ( e );


      if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)


    } //eof method 

    private bool DisplayInsertRow
      get { return this.AllowInserting && this.PageIndex == 0; }

    #region TemplateMethods
    protected override object SaveViewState ()
      return new Pair ( base.SaveViewState (), null );

    protected override void LoadViewState ( object savedState )
      base.LoadViewState ( ( (Pair)savedState ).First );
      EnsureChildControls ();

    protected override void CreateChildControls ()
      base.CreateChildControls ();

    #endregion //TemplateMethods

    #region UtilityMethods

    /// <summary>
    /// Search for a control within the passed root control by the control id passed as string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="root">the upper control to start to search for</param>
    /// <param name="id">the id of the control as string</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Control FindControlRecursively ( Control root, string id )
        if (root.ID == id)
          return root;
        } //eof if

        foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
          Control t = this.FindControlRecursively ( c, id );
          if (t != null)
            return t;
          } //eof if
        } //eof foreach
      } //eof try 
      catch (Exception e)
        //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "The following Exception occured : \n" + e.Message );
        return null;
      } //eof catch

      return null;
    } //eof FindControlRecursive

    protected DataView SortDataTable ( DataTable dataTable, bool isPageIndexChanging )
      //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ("SortDataTable(DataTable dataTable, bool isPageIndexChanging) START");
      if (dataTable != null)
        DataView dataView = new DataView ( dataTable );
        if (GridViewSortExpression != string.Empty)

            if (isPageIndexChanging)
              dataView.Sort = string.Format ( "{0} {1}", GridViewSortExpression, GridViewSortDirection );
              dataView.Sort = string.Format ( "{0} {1}", GridViewSortExpression, GetSortDirection () );
          catch (Exception e)

        return dataView;
        return new DataView ();
    } //eof method SortDataTable

    #endregion //UtilityMethods

  } //eof class 

  /// <summary>
  /// Provides data for the <see cref="ExtendedGridView.RowInserting"/> event.
  /// </summary>
  public class GridViewInsertEventArgs : CancelEventArgs
    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises a <see cref="GridViewInsertEventArgs"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="row">The insertion row.</param>
    /// <param name="newValues">The values for the new row.</param>
    public GridViewInsertEventArgs ( GridViewRow row, IOrderedDictionary newValues )
      this._row = row;
      this._values = newValues;

    #region Properties

    #region Row
    private GridViewRow _row;

    /// <summary>
    /// The row containing the input controls.
    /// </summary>
    public GridViewRow Row
      get { return this._row; }

    #region NewValues
    private IOrderedDictionary _values;

    /// <summary>
    /// The values for the new row to insert.
    /// </summary>
    public IOrderedDictionary NewValues
      get { return this._values; }


  /// <summary>
  /// Provides data for the <see cref="ExtendedGridView.RowInserted"/> delegate.
  /// </summary>
  public class GridViewInsertedEventArgs : EventArgs
    #region Constructor
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialises a <see cref="GridViewInsertedEventArgs"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newValues">The values for the new row.</param>
    /// <param name="ex">The exception that occurred during the insert, if any.</param>
    public GridViewInsertedEventArgs ( IOrderedDictionary newValues, Exception ex )
      this._values = newValues;
      this._exception = ex;

    #region Properties

    #region NewValues
    private IOrderedDictionary _values;

    /// <summary>
    /// The values that were inserted into the new row.
    /// </summary>
    public IOrderedDictionary NewValues
      get { return this._values; }

    #region Exception
    private Exception _exception;

    /// <summary>
    /// The exception that occurred during the insert, if any.
    /// </summary>
    public Exception Exception
      get { return this._exception; }

    #region ExceptionHandled
    private bool _exceptionHandled;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the exception that occurred during the insert has been handled.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ExceptionHandled
      get { return this._exceptionHandled; }
      set { this._exceptionHandled = value; }

  } //eof class GridViewInsertedEventArgs
} //eof namespace Controls

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