this trick has been tested on wget (GNU WinPort) , Opera 9.23 and TextPad on Windows XP (might work on Linux + Wine + TExtpad also .. )
this trick has been tested on wget (GNU WinPort) , Opera 9.23 and TextPad on Windows XP (might work on Linux + Wine + TExtpad also .. )
1. Subscribe to the mp3 feed
2. Assign Textpad to be the html source viewer in Opera
3. Alt + F3 in the specific mp3 podcast to open the file in the podcast
4. In Textpad F3 to copy the path of the file (it contains the opera cashe directory)
5. In Textpad Ctrl + F5 to search for mp3
6. In the Search window clean first the search results by pressing F8
Check regular expressions
Find what: ^(.*)(http.*mp3)(.*)$
Replace with \2
7. Build the commands for downloading : press F8 , check regular expressions
Find what: ^(.*)$
Replace with: start /min "\1" cmd /c "wget -U= iexplore.exe \1"\nsleep 1\n
7. To Select All - Ctrl + A
8. To start the command prompt : Start -Run - type cmd
9. To paste the code in the command prompt: Alt , Space , E , P (ok clean it first if you want)
10. Go to yuor download folder and watch how the podcasts are downloaded ; ) with my 24 MB/s it took some 5 minutes to download 100 of news
Enjoy ...
Inline Confirmations in JavaScript UI
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Confirmation dialogs or modal popups can be annoying in HTML applications.
What if you could instead use an inline UI to confirm an o...
16 hours ago
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
- The REAL PLUS : Any critic and positive feedback is better than none, so your comments will be published sooner or later !!!!