First of all - you cannot understand this before you have realized the styles and format copying in all Office applications.
So here is the problem - you have more than 20 pages work in Word and you would like to navigate them fast and efficiently.
Well use the keyboard and format from the very beginning correctly.
You could copy formatting the Ctrl + Shift + C and paste it with Ctrl + Shift + V
Than Alt + V , D to , up and down with the arraw keys , than F6 , back to text , write sometning , back F6 go back to the Table of Contents , arrow keys , than Alt + F5 to go back ....
Alt + V , Z , P - spare your ice and use the whole area of the screen for viewing ..
Of course those were for the English version of Word ....
Tip F6 is also for the Help viewer
in Adobe Acrobat usually the F4 is used (example of non-compliency in GUI navigation )
Ok here is the bonus: favorite Windows shortcuts
Alt + Tab - spare you right hand from the mouse
Alt + F4 - Close the active window (spare the right hand I said ; )
Arrow keys - navigate trough active items
Ctrl + Tab - switch MDI windows (the tabs in Firefox ; )
WinLogo + Tab - cycle the taskbar items (WinLog is the key between you left Control and Alt , has the window on it ; ), after an item is selected , press Enter and with the arrows keys (if you have more than 5 window on it select the proper one )
WinLogo + E - open Explorer
WinLogo + R - open run dialog (for example try WinLogo + R . type firefox
Shift + F10 - the same as pressing the right button on the mouse , for god sake I said you spare the right hand ; )
Alt + F or Alt + X - closes , exits the current application
Ctrl ++ - get bigger (with - smaller )fonts , or Ctrl + the wheel in the mouse
And finally WinLogo + R , type shutdown -f -s -t 00
Inline Confirmations in JavaScript UI
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Confirmation dialogs or modal popups can be annoying in HTML applications.
What if you could instead use an inline UI to confirm an o...
16 hours ago
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