package getAdd ;
#Purpose to exctract all currently opened pages from an Opera session on Windows XP
#save them in Addresses.txt on the Desktop and Links
use strict ;
use Tie::File ;
use Win32 ;
our $sessionFile = "C:/Documents and Settings/$ENV{USERNAME}/Application Data/Opera/Opera/profile/sessions/autosave.win" ;
our $outputFile = "C:/Documents and Settings/$ENV{USERNAME}/Desktop/Addresses.txt" ;
our ($fileString , @addresses , @out ) = ();
our $outputPage = "C:/Documents and Settings/$ENV{USERNAME}/Desktop/Links.html" ;
main() ;
sub main
parseFile() ;
sub parseFile
local( $/, *FILE ) ;
open (FILE , $sessionFile ) or
die "Cannot find $sessionFile !!! " ;
$fileString = <FILE>; #slurp the whole file into one string !!!
close FILE ;
# $fileString =~ s/((http.*?)\n)+/\$1/ig;
@addresses = ($fileString =~ /(http.*?)\n/gi); # matches,
#copy paste
my $prev = "not equal to $addresses[0]";
@out = grep($_ ne $prev && ($prev = $_, 1), @addresses);
} #eof parseFile
sub showAddresses
open (FH , ">$outputFile") or
die "cannot open $outputFile !!! " ;
foreach (@out )
{ chomp ;
print FH "$_" . "\n" ;
close FH ;
open (F , ">$outputPage") or
die "cannot open $outputPage!!! " ;
print F "
<div>" ;
foreach (@out )
{ chomp ;
print F "<a href=\"$_\">$_</a><br/>" ;
print F "
</html> \n"
1 ;
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
- The REAL PLUS : Any critic and positive feedback is better than none, so your comments will be published sooner or later !!!!