namespace WorkingCode.CodeProject.PwdGen
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
public class PasswordGenerator
public PasswordGenerator()
this.Minimum = DefaultMinimum;
this.Maximum = DefaultMaximum;
this.ConsecutiveCharacters = false;
this.RepeatCharacters = true;
this.ExcludeSymbols = false;
this.Exclusions = null;
rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
protected int GetCryptographicRandomNumber(int lBound, int uBound)
// Assumes lBound >= 0 && lBound < uBound
// returns an int >= lBound and < uBound
uint urndnum;
byte[] rndnum = new Byte[4];
if (lBound == uBound-1)
// test for degenerate case where only lBound can be returned
return lBound;
uint xcludeRndBase = (uint.MaxValue -
urndnum = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(rndnum,0);
} while (urndnum >= xcludeRndBase);
return (int)(urndnum % (uBound-lBound)) + lBound;
protected char GetRandomCharacter()
int upperBound = pwdCharArray.GetUpperBound(0);
if ( true == this.ExcludeSymbols )
upperBound = PasswordGenerator.UBoundDigit;
int randomCharPosition = GetCryptographicRandomNumber(
pwdCharArray.GetLowerBound(0), upperBound);
char randomChar = pwdCharArray[randomCharPosition];
return randomChar;
public string Generate()
// Pick random length between minimum and maximum
int pwdLength = GetCryptographicRandomNumber(this.Minimum,
StringBuilder pwdBuffer = new StringBuilder();
pwdBuffer.Capacity = this.Maximum;
// Generate random characters
char lastCharacter, nextCharacter;
// Initial dummy character flag
lastCharacter = nextCharacter = '\n';
for ( int i = 0; i < pwdLength; i++ )
nextCharacter = GetRandomCharacter();
if ( false == this.ConsecutiveCharacters )
while ( lastCharacter == nextCharacter )
nextCharacter = GetRandomCharacter();
if ( false == this.RepeatCharacters )
string temp = pwdBuffer.ToString();
int duplicateIndex = temp.IndexOf(nextCharacter);
while ( -1 != duplicateIndex )
nextCharacter = GetRandomCharacter();
duplicateIndex = temp.IndexOf(nextCharacter);
if ( ( null != this.Exclusions ) )
while ( -1 != this.Exclusions.IndexOf(nextCharacter) )
nextCharacter = GetRandomCharacter();
lastCharacter = nextCharacter;
if ( null != pwdBuffer )
return pwdBuffer.ToString();
return String.Empty;
public string Exclusions
get { return this.exclusionSet; }
set { this.exclusionSet = value; }
public int Minimum
get { return this.minSize; }
this.minSize = value;
if ( PasswordGenerator.DefaultMinimum > this.minSize )
this.minSize = PasswordGenerator.DefaultMinimum;
public int Maximum
get { return this.maxSize; }
this.maxSize = value;
if ( this.minSize >= this.maxSize )
this.maxSize = PasswordGenerator.DefaultMaximum;
public bool ExcludeSymbols
get { return this.hasSymbols; }
set { this.hasSymbols = value;}
public bool RepeatCharacters
get { return this.hasRepeating; }
set { this.hasRepeating = value;}
public bool ConsecutiveCharacters
get { return this.hasConsecutive; }
set { this.hasConsecutive = value;}
private const int DefaultMinimum = 6;
private const int DefaultMaximum = 10;
private const int UBoundDigit = 61;
private RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng;
private int minSize;
private int maxSize;
private bool hasRepeating;
private bool hasConsecutive;
private bool hasSymbols;
private string exclusionSet;
private char[] pwdCharArray = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|;:'\",<.>/?".ToCharArray();
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[image: Banner]
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