# Purpose:
# to search for a string and replace it with another recursively in a dir
# both in dir and file paths and their contents
# Prerequisites: setting vars in the caller shell
# export dir_to_morph=<<the-dir-to-search-and-replace-in-recursively>>
# export to_srch=<<the-string-to-search-for>>
# export to_repl=<<the-string-to-replace-with>>
# some initial checks the users should set the vars in their shells !!!
test -z $dir_to_morph && doExit 1 "You must export dir_to_morph=<<the-dir>> - it is empty !!!"
test -d $dir_to_morph || doExit 1 "The dir to morph : \"$dir_to_morph\" is not a dir !!!"
test -z $to_srch && doExit 1 "You must export to_srch=<<str-to-search-for>> - it is empty !!!"
test -z $to_repl && doExit 1 "You must export to_repl=<<str-to-replace-with>> - it is empty !!!"
doLog "INFO dir_to_morph: $dir_to_morph"
doLog "INFO to_srch:\"$to_srch\" " ;
doLog "INFO to_repl:\"$to_repl\" " ;
sleep 2
doLog "start search and replace in non-binary files"
#search and replace ONLY in the txt files and omit the binary files
while read -r file ; do (
#debug doLog doing find and replace in $file
doLog "DEBUG working on file: $file"
doLog "DEBUG searching for $to_srch , replacing with :: $to_repl"
perl -pi -e "s#$to_srch#$to_repl#g" "$file"
done < <(find $dir_to_morph -type f -exec file {} \; | grep text | cut -d: -f1)
#search and repl %var_id% with var_id_val in deploy_tmp_dir
find $dir_to_morph -type d|perl -nle '$o=$_;s#'"$to_srch"'#'"$to_repl"'#g;$n=$_;`mkdir -p $n` ;'
find $dir_to_morph -type f|perl -nle '$o=$_;s#'"$to_srch"'#'"$to_repl"'#g;$n=$_;rename($o,$n) unless -e $n ;'
#eof doMorphDir