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linux cheat sheet

# v.1.9.5 docs at the end 
#find in files with colors
find . -type f -exec grep -nHi --color=always -R $to_srch {} \; | less -R
# how-to search for cygwin packages having the "perl" string in their names, requires wget and perl
export to_srch=perl
wget -qO- "$to_srch&arch=x86_64" | \
perl -l -ne 'm!(.*?)<\/a>\s+\-(.*?)\:(.*?)<\/li>!;print $2'
# install multiple packages at once, note the
setup-x86_64.exe -q -s -P "inetutils,wget,open-ssh,curl,grep,egrep"
# and test 
for bin in `echo ftp telnet wget ssh sftp curl grep egrep`; do echo "$bin path:"; which $bin ;done ; 
# while loop
find `pwd` | { while read -r file ; do echo "$file" ; done ; }
# how-to run processes in parallel 
cat "$list_file" | { while read -r jira_issue ; do c=$((c+1)) ; test $c -eq 5 && sleep $c && export c=0 ; \
( sh /maintenance/ip/sfw/sh/jira --action progressIssue --issue $jira_issue --step 41 )& done }
#-- start - search and replace recursively in both files and file paths
#-- srch and repl %var_id% with var_id_val in dirs in $component_name_dir_tmp
find "$dir" -type d |\
perl -nle '$o=$_;s#'"$to_srch"'#'"$to_repl"'#g;$n=$_;`mkdir -p $n` ;'
find "$dir" -type f |\
perl -nle '$o=$_;s#'"$to_srch"'#'"$to_repl"'#g;$n=$_;rename($o,$n) unless -e $n ;'
#-- stop  - search and replace recursively in both files and file paths
#-- srch and repl %var_id% with var_id_val in files in $component_name_dir_tmp
find "$dir" -type f -exec perl -pi -e "s#$to_srch#$to_repl#g" {} \;
find "$dir/" -type f -name '*.bak' | xargs rm -f
# get a nice prompt 
export PS1=" \u@\h [\d \t] [\w] $ \n\n  "
export PS1="\h [\d \t] [\w] $ \n\n  "
# nice listing
find . -type f -exec stat -c '%n %y' {} \; | sort -n | less
# check permissions effectively 
find . -type f -exec stat -c "%U:%G %a %n" {} \; | less
# aliases
# show dirs with nice time newest modified on top 
alias ll='ls -alrt --time-style=long-iso'
# find the only the uniq file names of specific file type 
find `pwd` -name '*.xml' | perl -pe 's/(.*)(\\|\/)(.*)/$3/;' | sort  | uniq -u
# how-to find in files - e.g. search by a perl regex in files and redirect the output to vim 
find `pwd` -name '*.pm' -exec grep -inHP -A 1 'sub [a-zA-Z0-9]*\s+\{' {} \; | vim -
# how-to search for a regex and build the ready open vim to found line cmds
find $dir -name '*.ext' -exec grep -nHP 'regex' {} \; | perl -ne 'm/^(.*):(\d{1,10})(.*)/g;print "vim ". "+$2 " . "$1 \n"'
# go the previous dir you where 
cd -
pushd .; popd
#how-to check opened ports with nmap
nmap -sT -O localhost
# get selinux security context
ls -al --lcontext $dir
# change the selinux security context 
chcon -vR -u system_u -r object_r -t httpd_sys_content_t $dir
# use rsync to preserve permissions
rsync -v -X -r -E -o -g --perms --acls $src_dir $tgt_dir
rsync -v -r --partial --progress --human-readable --stats $src_dir $tgt_dir
rsync -v -r --partial --progress --human-readable --stats $src_dir/$f $tgt_dir/$f
while read line_with_spaces ; do sh /path/to/ "$line_with_spaces" ; done < $file_with_lines_with_spaces
export file_name_to_filter=infa-reporter
stat -c "%n %y" *.zip | perl -ne 'm/^(.*?) (.*)/g; printf "%-70s %-50s \n" , "$1" , "$2"' | sort -r -k 2 | grep -i $file_name_to_filter
# The ultimate "find in files"
find /etc/httpd/ -type f -print0 | xargs --null grep -nHP 'StartServers\s+\d' | less
# for loop
for file in `find / -type f \( -name "*.pl" -or -name "*.pm" \) -exec file {} \; | grep text | perl -nle 'split /:/;print $_[0]' `; do grep -i --color -nH 'string_to_search'  $file ; done ;
#  or even faster , be aware of funny file names xargs -0
find / -name '*bak' -print0 | xargs --null grep -nPH 'curl'
# find and replace recursively
find . -name '*.html' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g'
# how-to check disk space
find $dir -maxdepth 2 -type d -exec du -B M --max-depth=1 {} \; | sort -nr | less
# find all the files greather than 100 MB , sort them by the size and print their sizes 
find $dir -type f -size +2M -exec du -B M {} \; | sort -nr | less 
du -B M --max-depth 3 $dir | perl -nle 's#\s+# #g;print' | perl -ne 'm/^(.*?) (.*)/g; printf "%10s %-50s \n" , "$1" , "$2"' | sort -nr -k1 | less
# how-to search bunch of tar.gz files 
cmd="zgrep $StringToFind '{}' >> $FileToOutput"
find ${DirFindRoot} -type f  -name ${nameFilter} -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' sh -c "$cmd"
# disk usage of users under the /home directory in MB
export dir=/data/reseller/tmp/;
clear;du -all --block-size=1M $dir --max-depth=2 | sort -n | perl -ne '@a=split /\s+/g;$a[0]=~s/(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)/ /g;printf "%15s %10s",$a[0],"$a[1]  \n" '
# show in megs and sort each folder
find $dir -type d -exec du --summarize -B M {} \; | sort -nr | perl -ne '@a=split /\s+/g;$a[0]=~s/(?<=\d)(?=(?:\d\d\d)+\b)/ /g;printf "%15d %10s",$a[0],"$a[1]  \n" '| less
tcpdump dst and tcp port 22
tcpdump dst 
# record the current session via script
mkdir ~/scriptlogs
script -a ~/data/log/script/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`_script.log
#/usr/bin is for normal user executables, /usr/sbin is for superuser executables, /usr/sfw is for external software (like gnu one), but provided with bundle of OS, /usr/ccs is for development utilities, usually not need for daily tasks like make, lex, yacc, sccs
# take the last 5 commands for faster execution to the temp execution script
tail -n 5 /root/.bash_history >> /var/
# I saw the command cd /to/some/suching/dir/which/was/very/long/to/type
echo so I redid it and saved my fingers
#how-to check my history without the line numbers  
history | cut -c 8- | grep env
# how to deal with command outputs
command | filtercommand > command_output.txt 2>errors_from_command.txt
#  find the files having os somewhere in their names and only those having linux
find . -name '*os*' | grep linux | less
# find all xml type of files and display only the rows having wordToFindInRow
find . -name '*.xml' -exec cat {} \;| grep wordToFindInRow | less
# START === bash shortcuts 
# Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + A 
# Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on
Ctrl + E
# move a word forward 
Alt + F
# move a word backwards
Alt + B
# STOP === bash shortcuts 
# how-to mount an usb stick
# remember to change the path other wise you will get the device is busy errror
mkdir /mnt/usbflash
mount /dev/sdb1 -t vfat /mnt/usbflash
mount /vagrant -t /mnt/hgfs/vagrant
mount -t vmhgfs .host:/mnt/hgfs/vagrant /vagrant 
umount /mnt/usbflash
#display the first 20 lines of the file
head -n 20 too-long-file 
#start e-mail 
# how to restart a service initiated at startup
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail start | stop | status | restart
# how-to send via e-mails the files of a dir with mailx
export dir=`pwd`
export attachments=$(find $dir -type f| perl -ne 'print "-a $_"'| xargs)
echo $attachments | mailx $attachments -s "$dir files" $MyEmail
mailx $(find $dir -type f| perl -ne 'print "-a $_"'| xargs) -s "$fir files" $MyEmail < `echo $(find $dir -type f| perl -ne 'print "-a $_"'| xargs)`
#stop e-mail
# see all the rules associated with the firewall
iptables -L -n -v --line-numbers
gunzip *
# To start remote session click on the putty screen , configure putty
# settings to pull full screen with alt + Enter
# right click on the title bar , settings , change the font , copy
# paste from and to the terminal window text
# how to ensure the sshd daemon is running
ps -ef | grep sshd
# how to kill process interactively
killall -v -i sshd
# the most efficent way to search your history is to hit Ctrl R and
#type the start of the command. It will autocomplete as soon as theres
#a match to a history entry, then you just hit enter. If you want to
#complete the command (add to it ) use the right arrow to
#escape from the quick search box ...
#How to see better which file were opened , which directories were visited
#type always the fullpath after the vi - use the $PWD env variable to
#open files in the current directory , thus after opening the file
#vi /$PWD , press tab to complete the name of the current directory ,
#type the name of the file. THUS AFTER RUNNING
history | grep vim
#of course the same could be seen from the /home/username/.viinfo file /files
#where to set the colors for the terminal (if you are lucky to have one
# with colors ; )
open a file containing "sh" in its name bellow the "/usr/lib" directory
:r !find /usr/lib -name *sh*
go over the file and gf
#which version of Linux I am using
uname -a
#How to copy paste text in the putty window from client to server -
#click the right button of your pointing device
#How to copy paste text from the putty window from server to client -
#right-click the window title and select copy all to Clipboard.
#To restart a service
service sshd restart
service --status-all --- show the status of all services
# change the owneership of the directory recursively
chown -vR user$group $dir
# perform action recursively on a set of files
find . -name '*.pl' -exec perl -wc {} \;
for file in `find . -type f`;do echo cp $file ./backups/; done;
for file in `ls *.docx -1`;do echo cp $file ./backups/$file.`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.docx;done;
# make Bash append rather than overwrite the history on disk:
shopt -s histappend
# henever displaying the prompt, write the previous line to disk:
PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
# than run the script
#how-to replace single char in file
tr '\t' ',' < FileWithTabs > fileWithCommas
# Allow access to the box from only one ip address
# create a backup file based on the timestamp on bash
cp -v fileName.ext fileName.ext.`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S`.bak
#check disk space left
df -a -h | tail -n +2   | perl -nle 'm/(.*)\s+(\d{1,2}%\s+(.*))/g;printf "%-20s %-30s %-90s \n","$2",$3,$1' | sort -nr | less
df -a -B M | column -t | sort -nr -k 5
df  -h ***
# how-to get running processes 
ps -ef --forest 
# how-to kill misbehaving process ... you will need to adjust the -f 2 part 
# depending on the output of the ps -ef command above 
for pid in $(ps -ef | grep procToFind | perl -ne 's/\s+/ /g;print $_ . "\n";' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ; do echo kill -9 $pid ; done ;
for pid in $(ps -ef | grep chrome | perl -ne 's/\s+/ /g;print $_ . "\n";' | cut -d ' ' -f 2) ; do echo kill -9 $pid ; done ;
#how-to create relative file paths tar package recursively fromm a dir
cd $RootDirToStartRelativePathsFrom
tar -cvzpf $pckg_to_create.tar .
# exctract tar file into cd  
tar -xvf $pck_to_exctract_to_cwd.tar
#how-to create tar archieve
tar cvf $archive_name.tar $dir/
#how-to unpack tar file
tar xvf $file
#how-to unpack gz archive
gzip -cd $file | tar -xvf -
# print line number 52
sed -n '52p' # method 1
sed '52!d' # method 2
sed '52q;d' # method 3, efficient on large files
# START === create symlink
export link_path=/vagrant
export target_path=/mnt/hgfs/vagrant
mkdir -p `dirname $link_path`
unlink $link_path
ln -s "$target_path" "$link_path"
ls -la $link_path;
# STOP === create symlink
export link_path=/var/www/html/core_dw
export target_path=/var/aktia/core-dw/
mkdir -p `dirname $link_path`
unlink $link_path
ln -s "$target_path" "$link_path"
ls -la $link_path;
# START === user management
#how-to add a linux group
export group=grpakticoredw
export gid=1001
groupadd -g "$gid" "$group"
cat /etc/group | grep --color "$group"
export user=usrakticoredw
export uid=1001
export home_dir=/home/$user
export desc="the linux user to perform aktia core dw "
#how-to add an user
useradd --uid "$uid" --home-dir "$home_dir" --gid "$group" \
--create-home --shell /bin/bash "$user" \
--comment "$desc"
cat /etc/passwd | grep --color "$user"
# modify a user
usermod -a -G $group $user
# change the password for the specified user (own password)
passwd $user 
#how-to forces to change password when logging in for the first time
passwd -f login 
#change user pass to expire never 
chage -I -1 -m 0 -M 99999 -E -1 $user
# and check results 
chage -l $user
#Ei should not return anything !!!
passwd -s -a | grep NP (=No Password)
#delete an user
userdel $user
#administer the /etc/group file
# START === user management
#how-to extracts rpm packages contents
export ins=foo-bar.rpm
rpm2cpio $ins | cpio -id
#how-to extract *.tar.gz 
gzip -dc *.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd foo-bar-dir
#--- show all installed packages
rpm -dev
# search for package name
rpm -qa | grep --color $package
#how-to build binaries as a non-root 
./configure --prefix=$HOME && make && make install
#exctract a single file:
gzip -dc fileName.tar.gz | tar -xvf - $file
find . -name '*.log' -print | zip cipdq`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` -@
# find several types of files 
find . -type f \( -name "*.pl" -or -name "*.pm" \)
find / -type f | xargs grep -nH 'curl'
# print the word to find + the next 3 lines
grep -A 3 -i "theWordToFind" demo_text
find . -type f -name '*.sh' -print -exec grep -n gpg {} \;
# create a list of files
find . -print0 | xargs -r0 echo "$@"
#how-to encrypt a file
gpg -c $file
#how-to decrypt a file
gpg $file
# where am I
uname -a ; 
# who am I 
id ; 
# when this is happening 
date "+%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S" ; 
# reboot ... !!! BOOM BOOM BOOM !!!
shutdown -r now 
# shutdown the whole system 
shutdown -f -s 00
#how-to kill a process 
ps -aux | grep $proc_to_find
pidof $prod_to_find
kill -9 $proc_to_find
# which processes are listening on my system
netstat --tcp --listening --programs
netstat --tcp
netstat --route
# STOP === system monitoging commands
# get system info
cat /proc/cpuinfo | less
cat /proc/meminfo | sort -nr -k 2 \
| perl -ne 'split /\s+/;printf ("%-15s %20d MB \n" , "$_[0]" , ($_[1]/1024))'
fdisk -l
# check memory usage
egrep --color 'Mem|Cache|Swap' /proc/meminfo
# show the top processes
# now press Shift + o, and choose the field to sort by 
# running processes status 
ps -auxw | less 
ps -ef | less 
#List all currently loaded kernel modules
lsmod | less 
#Displays the system's current runlevel.
# get the Processes attached to open files or open network ports:
lsoff | less 
# monitor the virtual memory 
# show the free memory
free -m
#Display/examine memory map and libraries (so). Usage: pmap pid
ps -aux | grep $proc_name_to_pmap
pmap   $prod_id_to_pmap
# STOP === system monitoging commands
#how-to sort output by a delimited by single delimiter column 
# in this example the - char is used for delimiter , the output is 
# by their sending sequence , use proper file naming convention files 
# ls -1 gives us:
# fileBeginningTillFirstDelimiter-TheColumnToSortBy-TheRestFromTheFileNameDelimiter
ls -1 | awk -F1 'BEGIN {FS="-"};{print $2 "¤" $1 "-" $2 "-" $3 }' | sort -nr | cut -d ¤ -f 2,5 
# the same approach with perl
ls -1 | perl -p -i -e 's/^([^\-]*)(\-)([^\-]*)(\-)([^\-]*)/$3¤$1.2.8$4$5/g' | sort -nr | cut -d ¤ -f 2,5  
# how-to use sftp with remoteUserName having publicIdentity of PublicIdentityUserName
sftp -v -o "IdentityFile /var/www/.ssh-id/PublicIdentityUserName" \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile /var/www/.ssh-id/known_hosts" remoteUserName@ServerHostNameOrIpd
ssh -v -o ServerAliveInterval 300 -o ServerAliveCountMax 1 
# ==================================================================
# START Jobs control 
# start some very long lasting command 
find / -name '*.crt' | less 
# now press Ctrl + Z 
# the terminal says "Jobs stopped"
# now check the open jobs 
# you should see something like 
# [1]+  Stopped                 find / -name '*.crt' | less
# now put the job in the background and start working on something else by Ctrl + Z 
bg 1
# run the next command 
# how-to copy file via scp by using specificy identity
scp -v -o "IdentityFile /home/userName/.ssh/id_rsa" /data/path/dir/* \
# now again stop the job first by Ctrl + Z 
# check again the running jobs 
# use should see the both of the jobs started 
# now put the first on in the forground 
fg 1
# Repeat that several times untill you get it ; ) !!!
# start command in the background
command1 &
# how-to redirect STDERR STDOUT to log file 
sh $ | tee 2>&1 $log_file
# how-to start a separate shell 
( command &) &
# get the STDERR and STDOUTPUT 
output=$(command 2>&1)
# how-to detach an already started job from the terminal
disown -h %1
# how-to start 
nohup &
# run a proc every 2 seconds
watch -n 2 "$cmd_to_run"
# END Jobs control 
# ==================================================================
nicedate=`date +%Z-%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
# kill a process by name
# ps -ef | grep wget | perl -ne 'split /\s+/;print "kill $_[7] with PID $_[1] \n";`kill -9 $_[1];`'
ps -ef | grep $ProcNameToKill | grep -v "grep $ProcNameToKill" | \
perl -ne 'split /\s+/;print "kill $_[7] with PID $_[1] \n";`kill -9 $_[1];`'
# how-to display human readable file sizes on systems with stupid du
# of course you would have to have perl next_line_is_templatized
find $dir -type f -exec du -k {} \; | \
perl -ne 'split /\s+/;my $SizesInMegs=$_[0]/1024; \
printf ( "%10d %10s \n" , "$SizesInMegs" , "MB $_[1]")' | sort -nr 
export dir=/
echo sizes in MB
find $dir -type f -exec du -k {} \; | \
perl -ne 'split /\s+/;my $SizesInMegs=$_[0]/1024; \
printf ( "%10d %-100s \n" , "$SizesInMegs" , "$_[1]")' | sort -nr | more
#who has been accessing via ssh 
for file in `find /var/log/secure* | sort -rn` ; do grep -nHP 'user' $file ; done; | less
#print files recursively 
clear;find $dir -type f -exec ls -alt --time-style=long-iso --color=tty {} \; | \
perl -ne 'split(/\s+/);printf ( "%10s %2s %-20s \n" , "$_[5]", "$_[6]", "$_[7]") ; ' | sort -nr
#how-to print relative file paths to /some/DirName with perl one liner 
find /some/DirName -type f | perl -ne 'split/DirName\//;print "$_[1]"  '
# see nice dir recursively listing newest first
find $dir -name '*.tmp' -exec ls -alt --time-style=long-iso --color=tty {} \; | \
perl -ne 'split/\s+/;print "$_[5] $_[6] $_[7] \n" ;' | sort -nr | less
# how-to sort files based on a number sequence in their file names
# list dir files , grap a number from their names , print with NumberFileName, sort , \
# print finally the names without the Number but sorted 
 ls -1 | perl -ne 'm/(\d{8})/; print $1 . $_ ;' | sort -nr | perl -ne 's/(\d{8})//;print $_'
# START === how-to implement public private key ( pkk ) authentication 
# create pub priv keys on server
# START copy 
ssh-keygen -t rsa
# copy the rsa pub key to the ssh server
scp ~/.ssh/ $ssh_user@$ssh_server:/home/$ssh_user/
# STOP copy  
# Hit enter twice 
# START copy 
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -v 0700 ~/.ssh
chmod -v 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -v 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod -v 0644 ~/.ssh/
find ~/.ssh -exec stat -c "%U:%G %a %n" {} \;
rm -fv ~/
# START copy 
ssh-keygen -t dsa
# STOP copy  
# Hit enter twice 
# START copy 
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -v 0700 ~/.ssh
chmod -v 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod -v 0600 ~/.ssh/id_dsa
chmod -v 0644 ~/.ssh/
find ~/.ssh -exec stat -c "%U:%G %a %n" {} \;
rm -fv ~/
# STOP === how-to implement public private key authentication
# show me a nice calendar 
cal -m -3
# START === how-to enable port forwarding or tunnelling
export local_port=22
export remote_port=13306
export ssh_user=type_here_ssh_user
export ssh_server=type_here_the_hostname
export db_server=type_here_the_db_hostname
#[-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] 
ssh -L localhost:$local_port:$db_server:$remote_port $ssh_user@$ssh_server
# STOP === how-to enable port forwarding or tunnelling
# START === cron scheduling 
#edit the crontab
crontab -e
# view the crontab
crontab -l 
0 1 * * *
# * * * * * command to be executed
# - - - - -
# | | | | |
# | | | | +- - - - day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
# | | | +- - - - - month (1 - 12)
# | | +- - - - - - day of month (1 - 31)
# | +- - - - - - - hour (0 - 23)
# +--------------- minute
# STOP === cron scheduling 
#how-to limit the resources of the current session 
help ulimit 
nameTerminal $USER@`hostname`_ON_`pwd`__at__`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`
# change user password expiry information
for usr in "$userlist"; do sudo passwd $usr; sudo chage -E -1 -M -1 $usr; sudo chage -d0 $usr; done
#how-to check the file encoding
file_encoding=$(file -bi $file | sed -e 's/.*[ ]charset=//')
# Purpose: 
# to provide a simple cheat sheet for most of the Linux related commands
# usefull web sources:
# how-to add new repository to yum
yum-config-manager --add-repo
#how-to view installed packages with yum on RH
yum list installed | less
yum clean all 
yum -y install perl
# update all but the linux kernel packages
yum -y --exclude=kernel\* update
/nz/kit/sbin/sendMail -dst -msg "subject line" -bodyTextFile $outfile -removeFile
# start putty with preloaded session on windowz
cmd /c start /max putty -load username@hostname
# how-to enable pw auth on apache
htpasswd -c $pw_file $user
#how-to change the access and mofication timestamp
touch -a -m -t "$ts" "$file"
# how-to install packages on ubuntu
apt-get -y install $package_name
# howto install packages on red-hat
yum install $package_name
#v1.9.5 how-to use text editor for longer command typing
set EDITOR=vim
#v1.9.5 - how-to get variations by curly expansions
echo {A,B,C}{0,1,3}
#how-to convert file encoding 
iconv -f 'iso-8859-1' -t 'utf-8' "$file"
#try to get a free server number, starting at
# Parse the command line with longer cmd args
ARGS=$(getopt --options +ae:f:hn:lp:s:w: \
--long auto-servernum,error-file:,auth-file:,help,server-num:,listen-tcp,xauth-protocol:,server-args:,wait: \
--name "$PROGNAME" -- "$@")
if [ $GETOPT_STATUS -ne 0 ]; then
error "internal error; getopt exited with status $GETOPT_STATUS"
exit 6
eval set -- "$ARGS"
while :; do
   case "$1" in
      -n|--server-num) SERVERNUM="$2"; shift ;;
      -l|--listen-tcp) LISTENTCP="" ;;
      -p|--xauth-protocol) XAUTHPROTO="$2"; shift ;;
      --) shift; break ;;
      *) error "internal error; getopt permitted \"$1\" unexpectedly"
      exit 6
# how-to load document with wget by using cookies.txt
export out_file=$proj_dir/docs/site/data/issues/
wget $url --user-agent=agent --load-cookies=~/.cookie.txt --output-document=$out_file
# useful sources - hint: google site:<site>
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#  VersionHistory
# ==========================================================
# 1.9.6 --- 2015-04-09 09:13:27 --- ysg --- re-factor
# 1.9.5 --- 2014-23-04 22:37:07 --- ysg --- Ctrl+X,E trick
# 1.9.4 --- 2014-08-03 10:28:55 --- ysg --- refactor
# 1.9.3 --- 2014-02-24 20:54:04 --- ysg --- clean-up
# 1.9.2 --- 2013-12-18 11:14:03 --- ysg --- added build re-factor
# 1.9.1 --- 2013-08-27 15:35:51 --- ysg --- re-factor, 
# 1.9.0 --- 2013-05-21 09:40:52 --- ysg --- added memory info
# 1.8.9 --- 2013-05-09 22:52:10 --- ysg --- tar.gz extract compacting 
# 1.8.8 --- 2013-05-02 16:19:46 --- ysg --- du with nice formatting 
# 1.8.7 --- 2013-04-22 15:25:36 --- ysg --- nmap check opened ports
# 1.8.6 --- 2013-04-18 12:43:43 --- ysg --- add user passwd expiry information
# 1.8.5 --- 2013-04-15 13:02:19 --- ysg --- added send dir files with mailx
# 1.8.4 --- 2012-12-26 17:56:21 --- ysg --- refined find in files 
# 1.8.3 --- 2012-12-26 14:23:56 --- ysg --- renamed to linux-cheat-sheet - clean up 
# 1.8.2 --- 2012-10-08 10:00:46 --- ysg --- added crontab cheat 
# 1.8.1 --- 2012-07-19 23:15:48 --- ysg --- tar examples , refactor
# 1.8.0 --- 2012-06-30 21:31:23 --- ysg --- tunnel one liner 
# 1.0.0 --- ysg ---  Initial creation  
# eof file:linux-cheat-sheet


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(1) SDL (1) SIWA (1) SOX (1) Scala (1) Services (1) Stacks (1) SubSonic (1) TED (1) abstractions (1) ansible hosts linux bash (1) ansible linux deployment how-to (1) ansible yum pip python (1) apache (1) apache 2.2 (1) application life cycle (1) architecture input output (1) archive (1) arguments (1) avatar (1) aws cheat sheet cli (1) aws cli (1) aws cli amazon cheat sheet (1) aws elb (1) backup (1) bash Linux open-ssh ssh ssh_server ssh_client public-private key authentication (1) bash perl search and replace (1) bash stub (1) bin (1) biofuels (1) biology (1) books (1) browser (1) bubblesort (1) bugs (1) build (1) byte (1) cas_sql_dev (1) chennai (1) chrome (1) class (1) claut (1) cmdow (1) code generation sqlserver (1) command (1) command line (1) conf (1) confluence (1) console (1) convert (1) cool programs windows free freeware (1) copy paste (1) copy-paste (1) csv (1) ctags (1) current local time (1) cygwin X11 port-forwarding mintty xclock Linux Unix X (1) cygwin bash how-to 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nz table count rows (1) nzsql date timestamp compare bigint to_date to_char now (1) on-lier (1) one-liners (1) one-to-many (1) oneliners (1) open (1) open source (1) openrowset (1) openssl (1) oracle PL/SQL (1) oracle Perl perl (1) oracle installation usability (1) oracle number formatting format-model ora-sql oracle (1) oracle templates create table (1) oracle trigger generic autoincrement (1) oracle vbox virtual box cheat sheet (1) oracle virtual box cheat sheet (1) outlook (1) parser (1) password (1) paths (1) perl @INC compile-time run-time (1) perl disk usage administration Linux Unix (1) perl modules configuration management (1) permissions (1) php (1) picasa (1) platform (1) postgreSQL how-to (1) powerShell cmd cygwin mintty.exe terminal (1) ppm (1) predictions (1) prices (1) principles (1) productivity (1) project (1) prompt (1) proxy account (1) public private key (1) publishing (1) putty (1) qt (1) read file (1) registry (1) relationship (1) repository (1) rm (1) scala 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