" file: vim-cheat-sheet.vim v.1.1.0 docs at the end
" how-to start vim in the shell by opening list of files
vim -o `echo /a/dir/with/conf/and/sh/files/*.{sh,conf}`
" if something goes owry do always press the Esc key several times before proceeding !!!
" how-to exit without saving (the hyphen meaning is the same for all commands )
" open all the perl files in the current directory
vim *.pl
" how-to open a new buffer with the ouptput from a shell command
find `pwd` -name '*.pm' -exec grep -inHP 'sub [a-zA-Z0-9]*\s+\{' {} \; | vim -
" press Esc press w to save the file ,q to quit , ! for not saving anything
" how-to open a directory
:e /etc/
" how-to go one dir level up when dir is open
"how-to save the changes were editing. For saving the file under a different name, specify the file name.
" how-to list the opened files ( called in vim buffers )
" how-to close a buffer
:bd <<buffer_number>>
" how-to close the current buffer
"Write the file and exit.
" how-to reload the current buffer if the file has been edited by another tool
" how-to get help
" hit N to jump to the previous match
" === START NAVIGATION in the contents of the files ===
" enter normal mode first , note this navigation keys work only in normal and visual modes
" how-to go one line below
" how-to go one line up
" how-to go one character left in normal mode
" how-to go one character right in normal mode
" how-to backward a word in normal mode
" how-to foward a word in normal mode
" how-to go the begining of the document in normal mode ( Ctr+Home on Win )
" how-to go the end of the document ( Ctrl + End on Win )
" how-to jump to line number xxx ( for example line number 34 )
" how-to jump back from where you were in the previous time
' -(Press ' twice ) jump back to line (where you came from)
" go to the beginning of the line
" jump to the end of a line.
" jump to the beginning of a word.
" go backwards a word
" jump to a stringToSearchFor
" how-to jump to the next occcurence of the stringToSearchFor
" hit n to jump to the next match
" jump to the matching brackets [](){} .
" go on top of the bracket and press
" === STOP NAVIGATION in the contents of the files ===
" to be able to write you have to enter the insert mode
" now you could start typing, the arrow keys work as well ;) !
" how-to delete text
" how-to delete the current line
" or
" how-to delte 3 lines in normal mode
" === STOP EDITING ===
" how-to select text and copy paste
" first enter into visual mode
" navigate within the text with the navigation keys ( see above )
" than yank the selected into the register ( Ctrl + C in Windows - copy to clipboard )
" or to cut it after the selection into the register ( Ctrl + X in Windows - cut it into the clipboard )
" in visual mode Yank the current line. You do not need to highlight it first.
yy or :y or Y
" Esc to run into the normal mode,navigate to the place where to paste the text and paste it:
" Undo the last actionUndo the last action
" Redo the undone action
Ctrl + r
" START working with buffers
" list the currently opened buffers ( or files for writing )
" open a file as another bugger
:e /path/to/file3
" switch again to the first bugger
:b 1
" switch to the next buffer without saving the current one
" switch to the previous file buffer ( your will be prompted to save it if you have not done it yet)
" go to the next buffer
" open the file under the cursor in Normal mode
" opens a new file in a new window
:split /usr/share/some.file
" STOP working with buffers
" how-to search and replace text with confirmation before each replace
" how-to Find and replace
:%s/foo/bar/g Replace every occurrence of the word foo with bar in the whole file.
" how-to remove all the lines containing the string "clear"
" For all lines in a file, find "string_to_find" and replace with "string_to_replace" for each instance on a line. Ask for confirmation
" - For all lines between line marked "a" (ma) and line marked "b" (mb), find string "fff" and replace with string "rrrrr" for each instance on a line. Case insensitive.
" For all lines in a file, delete blank spaces at end of line.
" For all lines in a file, move last field delimited by ":" to the first field. Swap fields if only two.
" how-to get help on search and replace commands
:help substitute
:help pattern
" where vim sets the settings of the "sessions"
vim ~/.viminfo
" How to edit the colors of the current color scheme:
" 1. Check the name of your current color scheme located at: /root/.vimrc or /home/usrname/.vimrc (attention come kind of aliasing ... )
:colorscheme elflord
" 2. Edit the current colorsheme
locate elflord.vim
" search for the section containinng the colors would like to edit
" 3. Pick a HEX number for the color of the comments you would prefer to have .. "40FF00 (google color table )
" Enters the file under the cursor into the editor in you commend line (normal mode).
Ctrl-R Ctrl-F
Ctrl-R Ctrl-A Enters the text from the editor in you commend line (normal mode).
" As most other *nix applications, you can also pause Vim with Ctrl-z, which will drop you back to the shell. When you are re finished, you can resume Vim with fg. (This is a feature of the shell, not a Vim feature.)
" how-to show the current directory
" START folding
" jump to the beginning char of the folding - for example the brackets of the function
" change to visual mode
Esc , v
" select till the end of the desired folding region
" to fold the region type the following command
" to open the just closed folded region
" to close it back again
" STOP folding
" START indending
" enter normal mode
" enter visual mode
" select the text you would like to intent / shift wit the navigation keys
" shift with
" or
" STOP indending
" all of those could be set in the ~/.vimrc file
" adjust the amount of space on pressing tab
:set tabstop=3
" set cursor showing matching brackets
:set showmatch
" set the appearance on the left side for the line numbers
:set number
" unset the numbers
set nonu
" set syntax highlighting
" set a specific type of syntax
:set syntax=html
" set the heigt of the window
:set winheight=90
" set the default shift width
:set sw=3
" set the columnn width to 120 characters
:set co=120
" set wrapping
:set wrap
" how-to create your own syntax highting
" create your customizable syntax highlighting dir
mkdir -p ~/.vim/syntax/
" find the syntax file for the language
locate perl.vim
" copy the already existing syntax file to this folder
cp -c /usr/share/vim/vim73/syntax/perl.vim ~/.vim/syntax/
" edit the "overriding " syntax file
: e ~/.vim/syntax/perl.vim
" Any UNIX command can be executed from the vi command line by typing an "!" before the UNIX command.
" how-to insert the current date
:r! date +"\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"
" how-to insert the full paths from the current directory
:r! find `pwd`
" navigate onto a file path and press
" to openn it into another buffer
"START Mappings
"show all the mappings
" the keyboard shortcuts performing user defined commands which could be saved in the .vimrc file
" Ctrl + Tab for switching to the next buffer
map <C-Tab> :bn!<CR>
map <f4> :bn! <CR> :bd "<CR> Ctrl + F4 - for closing the current buffer
" STOP Mappings
" enable jump-to definition feature
" in the shell cd /my/src/root/dir/
" generate the tags file for this root src
" ctags -R -n --fields=+i+K+S+l+m+a
" in vim
":ta <<name_of_func_to_search_for>>
":ts ? shows the list.
":tn ? goes to the next tag in that list.
":tp - goes to the previous tag in that list.
":tf ? goes to the function which is in the first of the list.
":tl ? goes to the function which is in the last of the list.
" set left indent to 3
:le 3
" find in files recursively
:vimgrep /'DocPage'/ **/*.pm
:vimgrep /doBuild/ `find . -type f -name '*.pm' -o -name '*.pl'`
" type than to open the found in files window
" Purpose:
" to provide a tutorial-like vim-cheat-sheet
" sources
" VersionHistory
" 1.1.0 --- 2013-04-24 13:43:27 --- Yordan Georgiev --- added jump to with ctags
" 1.0.1 --- 2012-12-26 11:58:40 --- Yordan Georgiev --- enhancements
" 1.0.0 --- 2012-12-25 10:30:16 --- Yordan Georgiev --- Initial creation
" eof file: vim-cheat-sheet.vim