cd ~ ; mkdir -p ~/.perl/
echo doc used the following url to download the source :
echo doc dowload the latest perl source code
echo doc uppack it
tar -xzf perl-5.18.0.tar.gz
echo doc go to the unpacked dir
cd perl-5.18.0
echo configure the builder script to build thread supporting perl binary
./Configure -Dusethreads -des -Dprefix=/<<a_home_dir>>/.perl/
echo doc run make
echo doc run make test
make test
echo doc run make install
make install
echo check that the perl IS NOT in the path
-bash-4.1$ which perl
echo doc now the pmuser has it's own fully fletched perl binary , which is different from the `hostname -s` 's own perl binary and does not break anything on the <<a_home_dir>> installation , sinche we will not vchang e the host dependant settings ...
echo doc but in order to be able to use it you would have to add the following to your calling shell:
export PATH=/<<a_home_dir>>/.perl/bin/:/<<a_home_dir>>/.perl/perl-5.18.0/:$PATH
echo doc now check once again
which perl
which cpan