- Install Cygwin
- Install separately the ssh-keygen ( or sshd )
- Download the puttycfg , unzip to a dir in your Windows path
- Find out where cygwin1.dll is installed cygcheck -sd >list.txt
- Open the list.txt ( it is quite big ) : notepad list.txt
- Copy all the files from C:\temp\something to the dir where the cygwin1.dll is located
- Start the putty.exe : Start - Run : cmd /c START /max putty
- In the GUI , check that Session on the Left is selected , click on Cygterm option , for hostName type - , leave port number 22
- Open the puttycfg :
- Generate the public and private key's :
- # ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Type Enter,Enter
- Now here is the tricky part you have to tell also putty that the public and private key files are the one you want to use with you : Copy the /home/<<username>>/id_rsa and ..id_rsa.pub to the dir where your save your putty conf in my case: C:\Temp\ysg\conf\<<computername>>\putty\ssh
- Start - Run - type puttygen
- Load the copied private key file and save it as <<file.pkk>> , save also the public key file
- Copy the id_rsa.pub file to the server's ~ dir
- On the server cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- Now when started from the windows client :
- cmd /c START /max putty username@servername.domain.com no password should be asked
Using Windows.Media SpeechRecognition in WPF
[image: SpeechRecognition Banner]
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