using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
public partial class template : System.Web.UI.Page
#region Introduction
private string msg; //this is the message you are going to show to your users
private TextBox [ ] holderForTxt; //holder for dynamic textboxes
private DropDownList [ ] holderForDdl;
private HtmlInputRadioButton [ ] holderForRdb;
private HtmlInputCheckBox [ ] holderForCkb;
private Label [ ] holderForAst;
DataSet ds; //dataset for metadata
DataSet pds; //parameter dataset
DataSet rds; //return set dataset
#region Properties
//set here page properties to use with the viewstate
#endregion //Properties
protected override void OnInit ( EventArgs e )
//debug Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "template.aspx.cs OnInit method START " );
base.OnInit ( e );
Page.Load += new EventHandler ( Page_Load ); //this one has to be set if the page directive is AutoEventFireUp = "false"
if (this.IsPostBack == false)
//null here Session which are supposed to be null on first time loading the page
} //eof if (this.IsPostBack == false )
//debug Utils.Debugger.WriteIf ( "if (this.IsPostBack == true )" );
} //eof OnInit
protected override void CreateChildControls ( )
base.CreateChildControls ( );
CreateDynamicControls ( );
} //protected override void CreateChildControls ( )
protected override object SaveViewState ( )
return new Pair ( base.SaveViewState ( ), null );
protected override void LoadViewState ( object savedState )
base.LoadViewState ( ((Pair)savedState).First );
EnsureChildControls ( );
} //LoadViewState
protected void Page_Load ( object sender, EventArgs e )
{ //comm -- the controls should be generated at the init stage and the databinding happens here
if (this.IsPostBack == false)
} //only on post back
this.DataBind ();
} //eof Page_Load
private void CreateDynamicControls ()
if (Session [ "template.ClickSearchClicked" ] != null && (int)Session [ "template.ClickSeachClicked" ] == 1)
this.BuildDynamicControls ();
} //eof if
} //eof CreateDynamicControls
protected void ClickSearch ( object sender , EventArgs e )
//PUT DATA INTO class variable and session
//ds = methodToGetDataFromDb ;
//Session [ "ds"] = ds ;
//Session [ "template.ClickSearchClicked" ] = 1;
this.BuildDynamicControls ();
} //eof ClickSearch
private void BuildDynamicControls()
//ds = Session [ "ds" ] ; //get the data from the Session obj
//use the ds to actually construct the controls
} //eof BuildDynamicControls
} //eof class template
Using Windows.Media SpeechRecognition in WPF
[image: SpeechRecognition Banner]
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