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Check and Restart a Windows service with batch file

:: In this example we restart the PCAnywhere service
:: The name of the service could be parametrize

@echo off & setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS
echo %errorlevel%
call :IsRunning "pcAnywhere Host Service" && echo\yes || echo\no
if errorlevel 0 ENDLOCAL
echo kaikki ok
goto :EOF


:IsRunning %svc%
:: By: Ritchie Lawrence, 2003-10-08. Version 1.0
:: Func: Sets errorlevel to zero if the specified service is running,
:: otherwise errorlevel set to one. For NT4/2000/XP/2003.
:: Args: %1 Display name of the service to check (by val)
setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS & set "svc=%1"
set svc=%svc:"=%
echo The name of the service is %svc%
net start | findstr/i /b /e /c:" %svc%" >nul
if errorlevel 1 call :RestartService %svc%
endlocal & goto :EOF

:RestartService %svc%
echo The name of the service is %svc%

echo Restarting the Service
echo "%svc%"
net start "%svc%"
endlocal & goto :EOF

Pelrl class implementing "getters and setters "

package WhateverName ;
my $fields = {} ; #this hash describes each property of
#the class

sub new
my $invocant= shift ;
my $class = ref ($invocant ) || $invocant ; #could be called as object cloning method
my $self = {} ;
my $fields = { @_, }; #get the passed parameters to the constr
while (@_)
my $name = shift ;
my $value = shift ;
set( $self , $name , $value );
bless $self , $class ;
return $self ;

sub get {
my $name = shift;
return $fields->{$name};

sub set {
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;

sub dumpFields
my $self = shift ;
foreach $key (keys %$fields)
print "$key = $fields->{$key}\n";



Threads in Perl

#Ok I have to admit my skills in threads so far are almost 0
#For theoreticall start :

Batch file selective recursive directory walker

@echo off
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Batch file to execute a command on a set of files.
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Revision History:
rem 6/5/1982 Fred Stluka
rem - Initial version for IBM VMS/CMS (FILELIST EXEC)
rem 10/12/1985 Fred Stluka
rem - Initial version for DEC VAX/VMS
rem 10/4/1988 Fred Stluka
rem - Initial version for Unix (find -exec, find -ok)
rem 12/2/1998 Fred Stluka
rem - Initial version for Windows NT
rem 2/3/2005 Fred Stluka
rem - Execute command via "call" in case it's a BAT file.
rem - Expand filenames to fully qualified paths via ~f.
rem - Notes explaining FOR command syntax.
rem $Log$
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem Turn echo back on if ECHO environment variable equals ON.
if not "%ECHO%"=="" echo %ECHO%

if "%1" == "" goto USAGE
if "%1" == "-?" goto USAGE
if "%1" == "/?" goto USAGE
if not "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto NOT_NT

rem Accumulate the DIR options and file specs (everything until "DO").
for %%i in (do DO dO Do) do if "%1"=="%%i" goto DO_FOUND
if "%1"=="" goto NO_DO_FOUND

rem Run the command on the files.
rem Notes:
rem - The /f switch causes FOR to parse each line in a file.
rem - The "Tokens=*" option causes an entire line of the file to be handled
rem at once. (Not required, since this is the default behavior.)
rem - Percent signs must be doubled on FOR loop variables inside BAT files.
rem - The apostrophes cause the DIR command to be evaluated to produce the
rem "file" to be parsed by /f.
rem - The ~f modifier expands the filename in %i to a fully qualified path.
rem - For more info, type: HELP FOR
echo DIR parameters: %DIR_PARAMS%
echo Files to be processed:
for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %DIR_PARAMS% /a-d /b') do echo "%%~fi"
rem Note: "echo." echoes a blank line. "echo ." would echo a dot.
echo Hit Ctrl-C to stop or any other key to continue:
:: pause > nul
for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %DIR_PARAMS% /a-d /b') do call :EXECUTE %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 "%%~fi"
goto EXIT

echo %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
rem Note: The keyword "call" is needed here. Otherwise, if the first parameter
rem is the name of a BAT file, things get confused. The BAT file is not
rem executed, and the following error is reported:
rem The system cannot find the batch label specified - EXECUTE
call %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto EXIT

echo Sorry. %0 only runs under Windows NT, 2000, XP, etc. Not 95, 98, ME.
goto EXIT

echo Invalid syntax. Must specify DO.
goto USAGE

echo %0 is a BAT file that executes the specified command on the specified
echo set of files. The files are specified as a set of parameters that would
echo cause the DIR command to select the right set of files.
echo Usage: %0 [dir_params...] DO command
echo Examples: %0 *.* DO type
echo Types all files in the current directory.
echo %0 DO type
echo Types all files in the current directory.
echo %0 /s DO type
echo Types all files in the current directory tree.
echo %0 *.exe DO start /wait /max
echo Runs all EXE files in the current directory, one at a
echo time, waiting for each to finish, in maximized windows.
echo %0 /s /aa c:\*.* DO xcopy /s /m /f
echo Incremental backup. Run with A:\ as the current
echo working directory. Copies all files with archive bit
echo set from the C drive to the current directory tree,
echo clearing the archive bits and echoing the names as
echo the files are copied.
echo %0 /s /a-r DO edit
echo Edit all files that are not readonly in the current
echo directory tree.
goto EXIT


Windows cmd batch copy paste rows

for /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%a in ('ipconfig /all ^| find /i "Physical Address"') do for %%b in (%%a) do set MACAddress=%%b
:: pause

for /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%a in ('ipconfig /all ^| find /i "ip address"') do for %%b in (%%a) do set ipaddr=%%b
:: pause

Edit Windows XP Registry

:: Huh ...
:: What a topic heh ...
:: Here copy pastes for the most used edits on Win XP registry

:: Define the username straight from the registry (Requires access to the specified key

reg export "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" tmp.reg
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('find /i "username" tmp.reg') do call stuff

#Here some Perl Registry monging
package SomePackage ;
#Initialize using the proper module (comes with Perl installation )
use Win32::TieRegistry 0.20 qw(
TiedRef $Registry
Delimiter / ArrayValues 1 SplitMultis 1 AllowLoad 1

$Registry->{"CUser/Software/Software_provider/Product_name"}= {
"Folder_name" => {
"/Value_name" => [ "$REGVALUEDATA", REG_SZ() ],
} or die "I was not able to play with the registry " ;





Here later on more java stuff

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Uploading Files Using CGI and Perl [CGI & Perl Tutorials]
Create a file upload facility on your Website, and enable your users to upload content to your Web server. Matt's step-by-step guide gives you the nuts and bolts you need to build your own file uploader.


Documentation for Win32::GUI perl extension (Win32::GUI)

Perl in Testing Automation
Gabor Szabo International Perl trainer and developer. Specializing in Automated Quality Assurance and Web backend development.

Windows cleaning

:: Windows has the stupid habid to put a lot of extra stuff on
:: a lot of folders copy paste this post to your startup folder

ECHO Deleting %temp% ....
del %temp%\*.* /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-

ECHO Deleting %systemroot%\Temp\ ....

del %systemroot%\Temp\*.* /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\printers\*.*/ f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "C:\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4\*.*" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-

ECHO Emptying Recycleing Bin ....

del %systemDrive%\RECYCLER\*.* /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-

del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\tmp\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\log\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\Quarantine\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\Logs\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Kazaa Lite\db\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Microsoft\Dr Watson\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Backups\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Local Settings\Temp\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Local Settings\History\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\Documents and Settings\%userName%\Recent\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\Temp\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\Prefetch\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\Temp\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\OfflineCache\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\Logs\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\Debug\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-
del "%systemDrive%\WINDOWS\Cache\" /f /s /q /a:H /a:A /a:S /a:-



First of all - html is not actually coding ... still one has to have some skills in order to create something visible by himself ...
My first ready web page I created is :
Vantaan R&H Rakenne Oy
Surprise - it is in Finnish, since I live in Helsinki , check out the last link "kuvia kohteistamme" - it is done with a small java program called JAlbum - it is a wanderfull demonstration what everything you could do with java ....
At this momement this program could be downloaded from


Perl process killer on Windows XP

package ProcessCleaner ;
#Purpose : kill specified processes on Windows XP machine

sub killProcesses {
my @passed_array = shift ;
my @procsToLookFor = split(/ / , @passed_array ); #get the names of the hanging apps to check

for(grep/\S/,`tasklist /v /nh`) {
chomp;my($p,$i,$u,$t)=unpack'A24A8x56A50x14A*',$_;$p="$p $t" unless $t
eq'N/A';$p=~s/ +/ /g;$i+=0;$u=~tr/ /_/;
#debug print"$i $u $p\n" ; #if we want the username who owns that process
foreach (@procsToLookFor) {
if ($p =~m/$_/ig ) #if found searchable
{ print "Killing $p with process ID : $i " ;
$cmd = "taskkill /PID $i /T /F" ;
`$cmd` ; #execute command
sleep 1 ;
} #eof sub killProcesses

#comments suggestions ?!

Purpose of this blog

For the beginning the purpose of this blog will be simple copy paste for code - no offence to anybody - everything on this page might be copy paste from somewhere , where has been said that it is not illigal to ...
The point is ... nothing is stolen. As much as I remember I will mention my sources ...
Most of the stuff is copy pasted and modified by me ... so feel free to copy paste also ...
Any constructive comments on my e-mail on google , which is yordan.georgiev ... pla pla (this is to prevent spam ; )will be appreciated ...

My first post

Hello World !

Heh heh , it took me 60 seconds to create my first blog. Who claims that it is only for nerds ?


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