SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO /********************************************************************* * Stored procedure sp_grep * SQL Server: Microsoft SQL Server 6.0, 4.21 for Windows NT, * Microsoft SQL Server 4.2 for OS/2. * Author: Andrew Zanevsky, AZ Databases, Inc. * Version/Date: Version 1.1, October 26, 1995 * Description: Searches syscomments table in the current database * for occurences of a combination of strings. * Correclty handles cases when a substring begins in * one row of syscomments and continues in the next. * Parameters: - @parameter describes the search: * string1 {operation1 string2} {operation2 string 3} ... * where - stringN is a string of characters enclosed in * curly brackets not longer than 80 characters. * Brackets may be omitted if stringN does not * contain spaces or characters: +,-,&; * - operationN is one of the characters: +,-,&. * Parameter is interpreted as follows: * 1.Compose the list of all objects where string1 occurs. * 2.If there is no more operations in the parameter, * then display the list and stop. Otherwise continue. * 3.If the next operation is + then add to the list all * objects where the next string occurs; * else if the next operation is - then delete from the * list all objects where the next string occurs; * else if the next operation is & then delete from the * list all objects where the next string does not * occur (leave in the list only those objects where * the next string occurs); * 4.Goto step 2. * Parameter may be up to 255 characters long, and may not * contain <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters. * Please note that operations are applied in the order * they are used in the parameter string (left to right). * There is no other priority of executing them. Every * operation is applied to the list combined as a result * of all previous operations. * Number of spaces between words of a string matters in a * search (e.g. "select *" is not equal to "select *"). * Short or frequently used strings (such as "select") may * produce a long result set. * * - @case: i = insensitive / s = sensitive (default) * Insensitive search is performed regardless of this parameter * if SQL Server is set up with case insensitive sort order. * * Examples: sp_grep employee * list all objects where string 'employee' occurs; * sp_grep employee, i * list all objects where string 'employee' occurs in * any case (upper, lower, or mixed), such as * 'EMPLOYEE', 'Employee', 'employee', etc.; * sp_grep 'employee&salary+department-trigger' * list all objects where either both strings 'employee' * and 'salary' occur or string 'department' occurs, and * string 'trigger' does not occur; * sp_grep '{select FirstName + LastName}' * list all objects where string * "select FirstName + LastName" occurs; * sp_grep '{create table}-{drop table}' * list all objects where tables are created and not * dropped. * **********************************************************************/ -- sp_grep v1.0 03/16/1995, v1.1 10/26/1995 -- Author: Andrew Zanevsky, AZ Databases, Inc. -- E-mail: create proc [dbo].[sp_grep] @parameter varchar(255) = null, @case char(1) = 's' as declare @str_no tinyint, @msg_str_no varchar(3), @operation char(1), @string varchar(80), @oper_pos smallint, @context varchar(255), @i tinyint, @longest tinyint, @msg varchar(255) if @parameter is null /* provide instructions */ begin print 'Execute sp_grep "{string1}operation1{string2}operation2{string3}...", [case]' print '- stringN is a string of characters up to 80 characters long, ' print ' enclosed in curly brackets. Brackets may be omitted if stringN ' print ' does not contain leading and trailing spaces or characters: +,-,&.' print '- operationN is one of the characters: +,-,&. Interpreted as or,minus,and.' print ' Operations are executed from left to right with no priorities.' print '- case: specify "i" for case insensitive comparison.' print 'E.g. sp_grep "alpha+{beta gamma}-{delta}&{+++}"' print ' will search for all objects that have an occurence of string "alpha"' print ' or string "beta gamma", do not have string "delta", ' print ' and have string "+++".' return end /* Check for <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters */ if charindex( char(10), @parameter ) > 0 or charindex( char(13), @parameter ) > 0 begin print 'Parameter string may not contain <CarriageReturn> or <LineFeed> characters.' return end if lower( @case ) = 'i' select @parameter = lower( ltrim( rtrim( @parameter ) ) ) else select @parameter = ltrim( rtrim( @parameter ) ) create table #search ( str_no tinyint, operation char(1), string varchar(80), last_obj int ) create table #found_objects ( id int, str_no tinyint ) create table #result ( id int ) /* Parse the parameter string */ select @str_no = 0 while datalength( @parameter ) > 0 begin /* Get operation */ select @str_no = @str_no + 1, @msg_str_no = rtrim( convert( char(3), @str_no + 1 ) ) if @str_no = 1 select @operation = '+' else begin if substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ) in ( '+', '-', '&' ) select @operation = substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ), @parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter, datalength( @parameter ) - 1 ) ) else begin select @context = rtrim( substring( @parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) ) select @msg = 'Incorrect or missing operation sign before "' + @context + '".' print @msg select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.' print @msg return end end /* Get string */ if datalength( @parameter ) = 0 begin print 'Missing search string at the end of the parameter.' select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.' print @msg return end if substring( @parameter, 1, 1 ) = '{' begin if charindex( '}', @parameter ) = 0 begin select @context = rtrim( substring( @parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 200 ) ) select @msg = 'Bracket not closed after "' + @context + '".' print @msg select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + '.' print @msg return end if charindex( '}', @parameter ) > 82 begin select @context = rtrim( substring( @parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 2, 20 ) ) select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.' print @msg select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".' print @msg return end select @string = substring( @parameter, 2, charindex( '}', @parameter ) - 2 ), @parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter, datalength( @parameter ) - charindex( '}', @parameter ) ) ) end else begin /* Find the first operation sign */ select @oper_pos = datalength( @parameter ) + 1 if charindex( '+', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos select @oper_pos = charindex( '+', @parameter ) if charindex( '-', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos select @oper_pos = charindex( '-', @parameter ) if charindex( '&', @parameter ) between 1 and @oper_pos select @oper_pos = charindex( '&', @parameter ) if @oper_pos = 1 begin select @context = rtrim( substring( @parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) ) select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is missing, before "' + @context + '".' print @msg return end if @oper_pos > 81 begin select @context = rtrim( substring( @parameter + space( 255 - datalength( @parameter) ), 1, 20 ) ) select @msg = 'Search string ' + @msg_str_no + ' is longer than 80 characters.' print @msg select @msg = 'String begins with "' + @context + '".' print @msg return end select @string = substring( @parameter, 1, @oper_pos - 1 ), @parameter = ltrim( right( @parameter, datalength( @parameter ) - @oper_pos + 1 ) ) end insert #search values ( @str_no, @operation, @string, 0 ) end select @longest = max( datalength( string ) ) - 1 from #search /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Search for strings */ if @case = 'i' begin insert #found_objects select, c.str_no from syscomments a, #search c where charindex( c.string, lower( a.text ) ) > 0 insert #found_objects select, c.str_no from syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c where = and a.number = b.number and a.colid + 1 = b.colid and charindex( c.string, lower( right( a.text, @longest ) + /* space( 255 - datalength( a.text ) ) +*/ substring( b.text, 1, @longest ) ) ) > 0 end else begin insert #found_objects select, c.str_no from syscomments a, #search c where charindex( c.string, a.text ) > 0 insert #found_objects select, c.str_no from syscomments a, syscomments b, #search c where = and a.number = b.number and a.colid + 1 = b.colid and charindex( c.string, right( a.text, @longest ) + /* space( 255 - datalength( a.text ) ) +*/ substring( b.text, 1, @longest ) ) > 0 end /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ select distinct str_no, id into #dist_objects from #found_objects create unique clustered index obj on #dist_objects ( str_no, id ) /* Apply one operation at a time */ select @i = 0 while @i < @str_no begin select @i = @i + 1 select @operation = operation from #search where str_no = @i if @operation = '+' insert #result select id from #dist_objects where str_no = @i else if @operation = '-' delete #result from #result a, #dist_objects b where b.str_no = @i and = else if @operation = '&' delete #result where not exists ( select 1 from #dist_objects b where b.str_no = @i and = ) end /* Select results */ select distinct id into #dist_result from #result /* The following select has been borrowed from the sp_help ** system stored procedure, and modified. */ select Name =, /* Remove 'convert(char(15)' in the following line ** if user names on your server are longer. */ Owner = convert( char(15), user_name(uid) ), Object_type = substring( +, 1, 16) from #dist_result d, sysobjects o, master.dbo.spt_values v, master.dbo.spt_values x where = /* SQL Server version 6.x uses 15, prior versions use 7 in expression below */ and o.sysstat & ( 7 + 8 * sign( charindex( '6.', @@version ) ) ) = v.number and v.type = "O" and x.type = "R" and o.userstat & -32768 = x.number order by Object_type desc, Name asc
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
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