Summary of replies:
Everybody seems to advocate consistency of naming, that it might be more important for everyone to use the same naming convention than which particular one is used.
Prefixes: While a lot of folks use usp_ or something similar (but rarely sp_), many others use database or app name. One clever DBA uses gen, rpt and tsk to distinguish general CRUD sprocs from those used for reporting or tasks.
Verb + Noun seems to be slightly more popular than Noun + Verb. Some people use the SQL keywords (Select, Insert, Update, Delete) for the verbs, while others use non-SQL verbs (or abbreviations for them) like Get and Add. Some distinguish between singluar and plural nouns to indicate whether one or many records are being retrieved.
An additional phrase is suggested at the end, where appropriate. GetCustomerById, GetCustomerBySaleDate.
Some people use underscores between the name segments, and some avoid underscores. app_ Get_Customer vs. appGetCustomer -- I guess it's a matter of readability.
Large collections of sprocs can be segregated into Oracle packages or Management Studio (SQL Server) solutions and projects, or SQL Server schemas.
Inscrutable abbreviations should be avoided.
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
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1 month ago
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