use Northwind go --select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='Products' --Declare the Table variable DECLARE @Elements TABLE ( Number INT IDENTITY(1,1), --Auto incrementing Identity column ProductName VARCHAR(300) --The string value ) --Decalre a variable to remember the position of the current delimiter DECLARE @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar INT --Decalre a variable to remember the number of rows in the table DECLARE @Count INT --Populate the TABLE variable using some logic INSERT INTO @Elements SELECT ProductName FROM dbo.Products --Initialize the looper variable SET @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar = 1 --Determine the number of rows in the Table SELECT @Count=max(Number) from @Elements --A variable to hold the currently selected value from the table DECLARE @CurrentValue varchar(300); --Loop through until all row processing is done WHILE @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar <= @Count BEGIN --Load current value from the Table SELECT @CurrentValue = ProductName FROM @Elements WHERE Number = @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar --Process the current value print @CurrentValue --Increment loop counter SET @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar = @CurrentDelimiterPositionVar + 1; END
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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