using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using log4net.Config; namespace DH { //DH - DataHolders /// <summary> /// This class models a storage structure for objects queriable by id or property name and property value /// </summary> public class ObjectPool { #region Props private int _TotalCount; public int TotalCount { get { return _TotalCount; } } public int ID { get; set; } #endregion Props public ObjectPool () { m_pool = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<Int32, Object>> (); } private Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<Int32, Object>> m_pool; public void AddItem<T> ( Int32 pID, T value ) { Type myType = typeof ( T ); if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) { m_pool.Add ( myType, new Dictionary<int, object> () ); m_pool[myType].Add ( pID, value ); _TotalCount++; return; } if (!m_pool[myType].ContainsKey ( pID )) { m_pool[myType].Add ( pID, value ); _TotalCount++; return; } m_pool[myType][pID] = value; _TotalCount++; //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf("Adding 1 to pool count , pool count is " + this._TotalCount); } public void AddItem<T> ( T value ) { Int32 pID = _TotalCount; Type myType = typeof ( T ); if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) { m_pool.Add ( myType, new Dictionary<int, object> () ); m_pool[myType].Add ( pID, value ); _TotalCount++; return; } if (!m_pool[myType].ContainsKey ( pID )) { m_pool[myType].Add ( pID, value ); _TotalCount++; return; } m_pool[myType][pID] = value; _TotalCount++; //Utils.Debugger.WriteIf("Adding 1 to pool count , pool count is " + this._TotalCount); } public bool RemoveItem<T> ( Int32 pID ) { Type myType = typeof ( T ); if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) return false; if (!m_pool[myType].ContainsKey ( pID )) return false; _TotalCount--; return m_pool[myType].Remove ( pID ); } public bool ContainsKey<T> ( Int32 pID ) { Type myType = typeof ( T ); if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) return false; if (!m_pool[myType].ContainsKey ( pID )) return false; return m_pool[myType].ContainsKey ( pID ); } /// <summary> /// Gets an IEnumerable collections of objects with Type T /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the items</typeparam> /// <returns>the dictionary of objects</returns> public IEnumerable<T> GetItems<T> () { Type myType = typeof ( T ); if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) return new T[0]; return m_pool[myType].Values as IEnumerable<T>; } /// <summary> /// Gets the item. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="pID">The p ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="KeyNotFoundException"></exception> public T GetItem<T> ( Int32 pID ) { // will throw KeyNotFoundException if either of the dictionaries // does not hold the required key return (T)m_pool[typeof ( T )][pID]; } /// <summary> /// Returns the first Item from the Collection by it's property name and its value /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The Type of the Object to get </typeparam> /// <param name="strPropMetaName"> the string representation of the </param> /// <param name="strPropValue">the value of the property</param> /// <returns></returns> public T GetItemByPropertyValue<T> ( String strPropMetaName, String strPropValue ) { Type myType = typeof ( T ); for (int i = 0; i < this.TotalCount; i++) { if (!m_pool.ContainsKey ( myType )) { return default ( T ); } else { if (this.ContainsKey<T> ( i )) { //get an item object having the same type T item = this.GetItem<T> ( i ); //if the object has the same property -- check its value MemberInfo[] members = myType.GetMembers (); for (int j = 0; j < members.Length; j++) { //logger.Info ( "members[j].Name is " + members[j].Name ); //logger.Info ( ".MemberType.ToString() " + members[j].MemberType.ToString () ); //logger.Info ( "members[j].GetType().ToString() " + members[j].GetType ().ToString () ); //logger.Info ( " members[j].ToString () is " + members[j].ToString () ); //logger.Info ( " members[j].ToString () is " + members[j] ); if (members[j].Name.ToString ().Equals ( strPropMetaName )) { FieldInfo[] fi; fi = myType.GetFields ( BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance ); foreach (FieldInfo f in fi) { //logger.Info ( "f.GetValue( obj ) is " + f.GetValue ( item ) ); if (f.GetValue ( item ).ToString ().Equals ( strPropValue )) return (T)m_pool[typeof ( T )][i]; else continue; } //eof foreach } else continue; } //eof for j } //eof if else continue; } //eof else if m_pool.ContainsKey } return default ( T ); } //eof method // private static readonly ILog logger = //LogManager.GetLogger ( typeof ( DH.ObjectPool ) ); } //eof class pool } //eof namespace //namespace TestPool //{ // class Program // { // private static readonly ILog logger = //LogManager.GetLogger ( typeof ( Program ) ); //create the logging object // public static DH.ObjectPool pool = new DH.ObjectPool (); // static void Main ( string[] args ) // { // DOMConfigurator.Configure (); //tis configures the logger // #region CreateTheBusinessObjects // Animal dog = new Animal () { Name = "Fido", ID = 1 }; // Vegetable carrot = new Vegetable { Color = "Orange", Identifier = 2, IsTasty = true }; // Mineral carbon = new Mineral () { UniqueID = 3, IsPoisonousToAnimal = false, Name = "some" }; // HolderForStrings hfs = new HolderForStrings () { ID = 4, Value = "user_name", MetaName = "meta_nam" }; // HolderForStrings hfs1 = new HolderForStrings () { ID = 5, Value = "user_name", MetaName = "hfs1" }; // Mineral carbon1 = new Mineral () { UniqueID = 3, IsPoisonousToAnimal = false, Name = "some1" }; // #endregion CreateTheBusinessObjects // #region AddTheBOToThePool // pool.AddItem ( dog ); // pool.AddItem ( carrot ); // pool.AddItem ( hfs ); // pool.AddItem ( hfs1 ); // #endregion AddTheBOToThePool // #region UncommentForMoreTesting // //pool.AddItem<Animal>(dog.ID, dog); // //pool.AddItem<Vegetable>(carrot.Identifier, carrot); // //pool.AddItem<Mineral> ( carbon ); // //pool.AddItem<HolderForStrings> ( 1, hfs ); // //logger.Info("Dog is in the pool -- this statement is " + pool.ContainsKey<Animal>(dog.ID)); // //logger.Info("hfs is in the pool -- this statement is " + pool.ContainsKey<HolderForStrings>(hfs.ID)); // //logger.Info("The hfs value is from the poos is " + pool.GetItem<HolderForStrings>(4).Value); // //logger.Info("poo.GetItems is " + pool.GetItems<HolderForStrings>()); // #endregion UncommentForMoreTesting // #region while // //for (int i = 0; i < pool.Count -1 ; i++) // int i = 1; // do // { // try // { // logger.Info ( "counting" ); // logger.Info ( " i is " + i.ToString () ); // if (pool.ContainsKey<Animal> ( i )) // { // logger.Info ( " I see animal which is " + pool.GetItem<Animal> ( i ).Name ); // } // if (pool.ContainsKey<Vegetable> ( i )) // { // logger.Info ( " I see Vegetable which is " + pool.GetItem<Vegetable> ( i ).Color ); // } // if (pool.ContainsKey<Mineral> ( i )) // { // logger.Info ( " I see Mineral which is " + pool.GetItem<Mineral> ( i ).IsPoisonousToAnimal ); // } // if (pool.ContainsKey<HolderForStrings> ( i )) // { // logger.Info ( " I see string which is " + pool.GetItem<HolderForStrings> ( i ).Value ); // } // //logger.Info("pool.GetItem<HolderForStrings>(4).Value); is " + pool.GetItem<Object>(i).ToString()); // i = i + 1; // } // catch (KeyNotFoundException e) // { // continue; // } // } //eof for // while (i < pool.TotalCount); // #endregion while // #region AddHolders // ////this is the success identifier // //HoldInt16 holdVerifier = new HoldInt16() // //{ // // ID=0 , // // MetaName = "ret", // // Value = 0 // //}; // //pool.AddItem<HoldInt16>(holdVerifier.ID, holdVerifier); // //ListDictionary lidMetaName = pool.LidMetaName; // ////this is the message // //HoldString holdMsg = new HoldString( ref lidMetaName) // //{ // // ID=1, // // MetaName = "msg", // // Value = msg, // // Title = "title" // //}; // //pool.AddItem<HoldString>(holdMsg.ID, holdMsg); // //HoldString holdmmsg = new HoldString(ref lidMetaName) // //{ // // ID=2, // // MetaName = "mmsg", // // Value = "mmsg" , // // Title = "title" // //}; // #endregion AddHolders // //Utils.Debugger.DebugListDictionary(ref msg, "domainName", ref lidMetaName); // //get the value be metaName // logger.Info ( "I queried the pool by property with meta Value and value user_name " ); // HolderForStrings HolderForStrings = pool.GetItemByPropertyValue<HolderForStrings> ( "MetaName", "hfs1" ); // //logger.Info ( "object dump" + Utils.Log.ObjDumper.DumpObject ( HolderForStrings ) ); // logger.Info ( "I found the following value for property with the name \"Name\" " ); // logger.Info ( HolderForStrings.MetaName ); // Console.ReadLine (); // } //eof Main // } //eof class // #region ExampleBusinessObjects // public class Animal // { // public Int32 ID { get; set; } // public String Name { get; set; } // } // public class HolderForStrings // { // public Int32 ID { get; set; } // public String Value { get; set; } // public String MetaName { get; set; } // Type ObjType = typeof ( string ); // public Int32 Size { get; set; } // public bool IsOptional { get; set; } // public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } // } //eof class // public class Vegetable // { // public Int32 Identifier { get; set; } // public String Color { get; set; } // public Boolean IsTasty { get; set; } // } // public class Mineral // { // public Int32 UniqueID { get; set; } // public Boolean IsPoisonousToAnimal { get; set; } // public String Name { get; set; } // } // #endregion ExampleOfBusinessObjects //} //eof class
Using Windows.Media SpeechRecognition in WPF
[image: SpeechRecognition Banner]
Windows has a pretty capable SpeechRecognition engine built-in via Windows
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6 days ago
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