Code Snippets
Code snippets are ready-made task-oriented blocks of code. Visual Studio includes a number of default snippets that are activated by typing a specific sequence of keys followed by [tab][tab] to cause the Visual Studio IDE to engage. In addition to typing the snippet in code, you can right-click at the desired location and choose Insert Snippet or Surround With. Here is a very small sampling of what is available.
Tryf = try and finally block
Prop = property with get and set accessor
Switch = switch statement with default
Using Windows.Media SpeechRecognition in WPF
[image: SpeechRecognition Banner]
Windows has a pretty capable SpeechRecognition engine built-in via Windows
Media services. In .NET these features are a...
6 days ago
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- the first minus - Comments have to be moderated because of the spammers
- the second minus - I am very lazy at moderating comments ... hardly find time ...
- the third minus - Short links are no good for security ...
- The REAL PLUS : Any critic and positive feedback is better than none, so your comments will be published sooner or later !!!!