textpad's helpl
From the Search menu, choose Replace;
In the Find What box type "^" (without the quotes);
In the Replace With box, type "\i " (without the quotes), if the line numbers start at 1, or "\i(100) ", if they start at 100, etc.;
Check the Regular Expression box;
Click Replace All.
How to Generate Sequence Numbers
You can update or insert sequence numbers in a file, using replacement expressions. This is achieved using the Replace dialog box, with the Regular Expression box checked.
The syntax of the replacement expression is:
Expression: Effect:
\i Replace with numbers starting from 1, incrementing by 1.
\i(10) Replace with numbers starting from 10, incrementing by 1.
\i(0,10) Replace with numbers starting from 0, incrementing by 10.
\i(100,-10) Replace with numbers starting from 100, decrementing by -10.
To insert line numbers at the start of each line:
Search for:^
Replace with:\i
To update sequence numbers of the form Axxx, Bxxx, … ,Zxxx where "xxx" is any number >= 100, independent of the letters, which are to be preserved:
Search for:\([A-Z]\)[1-9][0-9][0-9]+
Replace with:\1\i(100)
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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