This example was shown with opera but it could be applied to any other program also:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\opera.exe]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Opera\\opera.exe"
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Opera"
So just replace the path to your program and the name to it
Now withing a batch file call it so :
start /min cmd /c start /max opera "g site: TOSEARCH"
The first start /min is for concurrency if you would like to have one ...
cmd /c starts new command line processor and exists
start /max is to start the program maximized
Opera - the name of the program
"g site ... " the parameters passed as a single string to the program
Now make the Start - Run dialog remember this particular call if you use it often :
REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU" /v "p" /d "opera \"g site: TOSEARCH\"\1" /f
Getting the Current TabItem when the Tab is not selected in WPF
[image: Banner]
This is a quick reminder to self on how to retrieve a TabItem from a WPF
TabControl *when the tab is not currently selected* because I ru...
1 month ago
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